Wednesday 30 July 2014

Shooting mouth

What is built over the ages
Comes to naught
By a shooting mouth
Which knows no stop

Some see in everything its good part
And some see only the others faults
Which limits them and their thoughts
And a sharp tongue spoils the rest and all

One who extols the virtues of his enemy
Disarms and sets him rethinking
Enmity then takes a backseat
Together they enjoy a ride long missed

Why hurl accusations and judge anybody
Who is as human as you be
Cuss words and invectives come back to thee
So weigh your words before you utter these

One who sees evil only
Develops an evil eye
One who cuts with his tongue
Is like a dog that barks and bites

Make friends of people as many as you like
With your heart and tongue that always woo right
Nothing touches as much and deep
As compassion and sweet words to a bruised spirit!

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