Thursday 17 July 2014


Time moves forward
In leisure or in pain
In sleep or when awake
In hurry or in slow lane
In hills or in plains
It needs no reason
To move at its pace

It is not bothered
It is not enthused
Never still any moment
It kicks, clicks and ticks

It is neither partial nor it bends
Neither heartless nor a friend
It drowns some and raises some
Each one in his time and den

It is immune to any credit or blame
No two moments are the same
One may extol its bounty when it comes
Or curse it at his misery, it's one and the same

Who can fight with its fury
Or stall it even momentarily
It over rides all that you think
And reduces all plans to nothing

Time is His watch
Time is His wrath
Everything comes to pass
At the appointed hour

Play foul at your peril
Each one under its watch
Nothing shall remain hidden
Time shall reveal it all !

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