Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Hold my hand

Who am I
I know not
what I look for
I know not
but when my hand is in your hand
things begin to make sense.
You take me there where I have never gone
I protest and resist but you pull me along
you know my mind and feel my heart
and I find precisely what I was looking far.
I feel at home who was ever lost
pray hold my hand lest again I am lost!


  1. Dear Vinod

    Your twitter page is indeed very beautiful now and very many poems in this blog are beautiful. However the design of the page perhaps now needs to be improved in keeping with your stature of a getting to be known international poet. All of it will take only a few minutes, unless by now you are tired of my suggestions

    1. Go to blogger, on left you shall find templates, click and try different ones choosing one you like best
    2. Then go into title header and make header transparent.
    3. You shall find within template menu, background , click, there are very many images to choose from including nature ones, choose one you like
    4. Later you could play with fonts too if you wish, through advanced option in template but avoid it at first

    All the best, ashok

  2. Dear Ashok ji,
    Thank you very much indeed for your invaluable advice. I shall do the needful shortly.I am so grateful to you for your guidance and help without which I will be totally at sea.Your encouragement and inspiration keeps me going and motivates me immensely.I feel greatly honored that you appreciate my poems.I am still learning and know very little.With your further guidance from time to time
    I shall try to improve the stuff I write.
    Thanking you once again
    With highest regards

  3. Sounds good Vinod, will look forward to the change although even now your blog is very nice, I was just hoping it gets even better

  4. Yes must mention that nothing will happen to your poem, posts and other choices when you change template, background etc. they shall remain as it, just their font and appearance will change. I have changed many times in my blog and the posta, comments have remained the same

  5. Thank you very much,Dear Ashok ji.
