Thursday 3 July 2014


We are born free
And we must live free
No one is less
No one more
All are equal
And that's how it should be

Life is no prison
And why make it so
It is no bondage
Yet it has become so

Do poor feel free
When rich oppress
Like a heartless king

Value your freedom
As if there is no better thing
One may be a king
Or a man on the street

Just imagine how it feels
To be behind the bars
And be treated inhumanly

Will one not crave
To be out of prison walls
To breathe free
And to feel nothing but free

The freedom is our first nature
For which we should strive and fight
Nobody can rule over us
And over our minds

No one is less
No one is more
All are made equal
That's how we should live!



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