Sunday 17 August 2014

Thread and needle

A needle is thin and sharp
That pierces without leaving a mark
A thread is thin but long or short
On which hangs the life as long as it lasts

Things that are made thin and small
They do matter a lot
Big is unwieldy and gross
In details is hidden that creates all

Think small to leap long
Think big when the gully is crossed
It is pure maths and science
That begin small but jump long

Life begins smaller than small
Nature springs from seeds small
Small is a building block
When it breaks the building falls

Thread and needle may appear small
But they do tasks both big and small
The universe is product of a phenomenon
Which began from a tiny dot!


  1. Wonderfully expressed Khuranaji. We begin life as tiny tots and progress step by step in baby steps and after a stage take big leaps forward.

  2. Yes, you are absolutely right.Thanks a lot for you valuable comment.
