None is god however strong
And none is small in the eyes of God
Remind yourself off and on
A lot you can do if you want
Some raise themselves
In service of some cause
Some challenge everything
And dare even gods
Never be content with the status quo
Where no one dared there you may go
Remind them who feel down and out
The spring waits not far from their door
Make it a habit to beat the blues
Let them not weigh heavy on you
Light the way that you pass
So that others who follow stumble not
You have reached where you are
As the generations before cleared your path
You have a bounden duty to perform
Those who come later, make easy their walk
Remind each and every soul
Sacred is the earth on which it descends
Offer on its alter all you can
And do your best before you ascend!
And none is small in the eyes of God
Remind yourself off and on
A lot you can do if you want
Some raise themselves
In service of some cause
Some challenge everything
And dare even gods
Never be content with the status quo
Where no one dared there you may go
Remind them who feel down and out
The spring waits not far from their door
Make it a habit to beat the blues
Let them not weigh heavy on you
Light the way that you pass
So that others who follow stumble not
You have reached where you are
As the generations before cleared your path
You have a bounden duty to perform
Those who come later, make easy their walk
Remind each and every soul
Sacred is the earth on which it descends
Offer on its alter all you can
And do your best before you ascend!