Thursday 28 May 2015


I have no sight
in my eyes
so I was born
call me blind
yet I see
with my mind's eye
the picture it forms
it belies the eyes
the eyes that see
are blind in mind
they create a world
not seen by the blind!

Left in the cold

Dumped in the cold
uncared and old
I stand in the hope
when the snow melts
in the summer sun
my roots shall be watered
and there shall come up
new leaves and flowers
and a passerby may rest
under my shade
and when he leaves
he may remember
there was a tree old and big
but alone on the way
that gave him shade
when he needed it most
and saved his life
from a heat stroke!


It's me it's me
none can do anything
it's there it's there
and follows me everywhere
it's dark it's dark
light a lamp
and there you are!

Prisoner's dilemma

Two accomplishes in same crime
police questions each one
one doesn't meet the other
but what does each one say

Punishment stares in the face
eight years to each if both confess
one year to each when they keep mum
a bait is then offered to tempt them

Confess first and spill the beans
whoever admits goes scot free
provided the other doesn't admit
and he faces ten years for being guilty

Friends they are thick in crime
but are likely to cheat each other
each tries to save his skin
both admit and get eight years each!

( By way of a tribute to Noble Laureate John Nash)

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Theory and story

It's first a story
that gives rise to a theory
the stories change
but the theory is there to stay

Mind goes in circles
a tangent when it takes
a new story is born
and theory undergoes change

Theory and lore
inventions of human mind
they awe and amuse
and are of much use

Such is the human mind
which always cooks up something
facts and fiction are superimposed
to connect the real and imaginary strings

Story becomes an integral part of theory
which begins a story produces a theory
then mind goes back into deep churning
and spins out another story!

Monday 25 May 2015


Before I looked
now they stare
earlier I worked
now I am famous

Horns I don't have
and walk not naked
what I used to do
that I do but better

When one is famous
they are called genius
this so called competence
no ointment but alters countenance

Let none notice me
in pseudo name I work
lest fame descend upon me
and shackle my freedom

Fame entraps in its jaws
and one is no longer free
the same tune is played repeatedly
that brought fame initially but unexpectedly!

Sunday 24 May 2015


When one sees
nothing but change
what to grasp
everything flies away

Truly one learns
when nothing stays
change is reality
and life nothing but change

Flow with life
wherever it takes
fearless and bold
for life is so made

Love whatever comes
everyday is not the same
each one with a message
they find out who are not naive!


What one missed
why brood over it
try something new
and excel in it

What one thinks
it's what one feels
feelings when personal
they are limiting

Think what you haven't
and feel what you haven't
leave what is stretched
and tread that's never tread

Walk a new path
let bygones be bygones
take a leap bold and long
to reach where none has gone!

Friday 22 May 2015


Green is her lap
and me an infant
she hugs me close
so warm is her caress

When I prune
here and there
new shoots spring
up and all over

It's her way
to reassure me
how happy she is
when she is with me

Nothing she asks
only keeps a watch
wherever I go
lest I am lost

When I am sad
she holds my hand
and humors me much
till I laugh and jump

Why should I grow up
and leave her alone
let me remain an infant
and be stronger our bond

Sun and the stars
they tempt me in vain
heaven is her lap
and so blissful the nature's embrace!


Home is home
not mortar or brick
a bed that's green
with no cushion or spring

This much I pray
where I stay
green be my bed
and much peace

Song of birds to cheer
to write whatever I hear
my inner voice speaks
and steers my wheel

When the night falls
in peace I depart
where you are
and sit at your feet

I am your child
and do your bidding
nothing more I ask
but your grace and mercy

Nothing I seek
but your blessings
when I change my coat
my abode be green!

Thursday 21 May 2015


When in doubt
take a step
test the waters
then go ahead

Again in doubt
retrace a step
think again
only then go head

Doubts warn
doubts hold
move forward
and think bold

Welcome the doubts
lend them an ear
once you decide
let them not interfere

Doubts creep in
do what you like
walk through them
not kick them aside

Doubts make one
tall and wise
but they keep us on toes
whenever and wherever they arise!

Wednesday 20 May 2015


Mountains rise
huge and high
oceans large
deep and wild

Skies spread out
vast and wide
wonders of nature
awe and belie

Man is unique
he stands not still
in everything that exists
he sees a possibility

His dreams are big
beyond mountains and seas
and determined he is
to achieve his dreams

Skies awe him
and what is therein
his imagination keener
with each and every possibility

Show him all the wonders
of the nature and its creation
he too is a marvel of nature
but won't be satisfied till he meets the Maker!