Monday 20 April 2015

An angry boy

An angry boy
bullied in earlier days
he would flare up like a spark
and tolerate no foul play

The children are good observers
they see through a clever game
he would call a spade a spade
no matter who is the person or his age

Rude he may sound
but he abhors double talk
he won't polish his demeanor
lest it covers his shortcomings and faults

He has suffered again and again
when he took cudgels on others' behalf
when asked to mind his own business
with double momentum he would charge

But everything has a limit
he is disgusted with the world
and the way it deals with injustice
he will not give up though but fight it out differently

He has matured faster than his years
the circumstances have made him so
but he is learning to channel his anger
into effective and meaningful ways

He has something unusual in him
that sets him apart from others
call him eccentric or abnormal
the potential he exhibits is enormous!

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