Thursday 15 May 2014


Wait and more wait
Queue for everything
To deliver the new
And dispose the worn few

Half  spent in accumulation
Another half in wait
What contains your basket
Stuff useless and stale

There is but one way
Strange and mysterious
Shunned by everyone
As it has nothing to display

One who is other worldly
Took to this path
Tired of things worldly
And its queues long

He walked and walked
Deep and deeper inside
When mystery began unfolding
He froze outside and inside

It was then that he heard
A deep and commanding voice
Don't go back, my dear child
Bear a little more, and comes your prize

Baffled and out of wits
He stood there still
Then whispered someone
Right you walk, but when the world will

Queue and wait
Ready to stagnate
What is the world's fate
When only muck it generates

There is no queue in His home
Only if you are ready to receive
As much and more than your heart's fill
Come, kiss His feet, and His Grace shall envelope thee!

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