Tuesday 13 May 2014

Life's mystery

See the richness in your eyes
A beautiful heart, and an agile mind
Spring in steps, hope flying
A wonderful canvass changing with time

Build no rooms or walls in your heart
And don't restrict your mind with thoughts
His one thought created the worlds and beyond
He willed and the wheels of creation never stop

In the big picture, where do we stand
Not even a dot are we, yet prominent
In His image He made us, but keeps a distance
To see whether we seek him, whatever the circumstance

Have no regrets, and make no comparisons at all
Go not overboard at your rise, and despair not when you fall
Accept whatever comes with grace, and face the adversity head on
Open up and flow with the flow of life, as it goes on and on

Life is whatever you may like to call it
An enigma, a puzzle or a great mystery
Its raises more questions than it answers
The quest to understand deepens its mystery!

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