Friday 30 May 2014


Some have heart of stone
And some put life into stone
Stone is one, hard and dry
So is life, without any life

Some worship stone
In the temple or home
God they see in stone
With their mind and soul

One stone adorns the temple
Another is kicked and thrown
And on  some temple walls
Much sensuousness is shown

Do we close our eyes to such art
Why they are there for
Life lived in enjoyment is the periphery
But in the center is worship of God

Stone is one, life is one
But our eye is not one
It sees what is shown
Magnificence of life, or ruins in stone!


It builds up before it erupts
Like a volcano before it bursts
Build bridges where it hurts
Repair leaks lest things go bust

Seas appear calm to the onlooker
Much turbulence is there  in the deep
Galaxies live in perpetual turmoil
But we hear not a beep

Peace eludes the restless
In restlessness they are seeped
Their mind knows no rest
Bitten with envy or speed

Nature at best is no hurry
Its face is but fantasy
Resplendent and colorful
Rainbow hangs beautifully

Peace is natural to us
And it comes naturally
But when we seek it running
It eludes us totally

Let restlessness be at rest
Mind be open and fresh
Peace can't be far behind
One can hear its steps!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Changing times

Wisdom does not stop
At the door of the wise
It speaks sometimes
From the mouth of a child

Water flows away
From each and every height
And the lowest of the lows
It woos with full might

Never before it was
That sun burned so bright
The crown shall melt away
Of every snowy height

There shall stand filled
Every cup that was dry
The bosoms shall go dry
Which bloated full with pride

Time favors them not
In huddle go the heights
And who were in the dark
They now see the light!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Save water

If you dig a well
And don't find water
Thirsty you remain
So you ought  to dig again

If you dig and find nothing
What is your gain
Until  you achieve what you want
Effort goes in vain

Waste not water
Keep it with care
It is next to breath
Other things may wait

Dig and dig but how long
When water eludes again
This is what happens
When man's greed prevails

Drop by drop,over years long
An ocean big is made
Long distance one covers
With each step it takes

Be careful to limit its use
And not a drop to waste
More of it that goes up
It comes back as rain

Green and lively is one's surrounding
If desert of it one doesn't make
Water is essential to all types of life
Preserve it, save it, and lives thus you save!

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Love and marriage

Love needs no sanction                              
It happens of its own
Marriage is a sacred union
Witnessed by society, law or both

Whether married love is the same
As love was, before the marriage came
Or the love that develops between two strangers
Is not like love arranged after the marriage date

It is not easy to articulate and answer
Such are the questions of love and marriage
Better let them remain within the four walls
Being matters of heart, not an intellectual debate

But what surprises is the guts
When two strangers tie the knot
Parents arrange the match
And the rest they leave to God

Blind they play the game of life
The stakes are high as well as large
It is like being on top of the world
But the ladder stands withdrawn

They hold on to each other
And tear each other apart
But they dare not jump out
As steep and dangerous is the fall

Whether love remains skin deep
Or it takes roots deep and wide          
But it is no less baffling a miracle
That it lasts till the last breath of life!


Wounds raw and festering
Bear them with fortitude
Show them not as a souvenir
But cover them well with attitude

With face fresh and smiling
Forgive them who ridicule
And with  humility as your armor
Embrace sores with gratitude

In self pity and crying hoarse
One spills emotions like a fountain
With full control and due restraint
Step out with a majestic gait

Nothing can hold you up
When fired you are from within
Wounds and sores become insignificant
And conscience steers clear your way

People who have become great
They were like us in earlier days
Wounds they took as life lessons
And adversity they embraced straightaway   

A wounded animal springs back
With swiftness and double the force
Dogs we are not, who bite and bark
And animals we shall not become again

We are endowed with virtues great
Which remain dormant or underplayed
If our wounds bloom into flowers colorful
A moving garden we are, with a fragrant trail!

Tuesday 20 May 2014


All action, din and talk
No rest, nest or stop
Drama, circus, tricks, what not
Enough  of excess loses its charm

Now is the time for recharge
It may be quick and short
Agenda on mind is too long
Up on your legs and run fast

It is not good to exhaust and drop
To be carried and put on drop
Eyes needn't look just north and north
And be blind to the havoc it shall cause

Take stock of your steps as you walk
Not just at the end, but off and on
Recharge yourself often in fits and starts
Recoup when necessary, heavens won't fall

When one is fully charged
Walking upright and standing tall
His vision and conviction, a divine call
Reins in his hands, he is our best watch!

Monday 19 May 2014

Love from a distance

Touch, caress and feel
Love is not so myopic
That it shall disappear
When one loosens its leash

 Drought waits for its love
The cloud with rain comes
To shower and cool it enough
And drench it full and satisfy its thirst

A cloud makes a peacock jump
It spreads its wings wide
And dances magnificently
Making for a wonderful sight

A strange bird we know
Who looks up at the clouds
Water it drinks not as birds do
But drops from sky falling into its mouth

A cuckoo sings a lovely tune
In autumn, spring, drought or dew
Everything comes to a standstill
To listen to the voice so beautiful

Love is not so myopic
That it embraces an armful
Nature bares its bosom wide enough
To feed the worlds full!

Sunday 18 May 2014

A child saint

A child of three, no toy or lullaby
Brush in hand, with color and paint
He draws and paints, each one a masterpiece
An Indian village down south is witness to his dexterity

Who guides the baby hands
Fills the mind with thoughtful thoughts
Such wisdom and world view he possesses
Which even the wisest don't command

He is an artist par excellence
In whom divine works, through and through
Playful and innocent like other children of his age
But in understanding by comparison, the scholars fail

He creates his works in quick succession
In a great hurry he is , for a messenger waits at the door
To take him along to the heavens, where is His throne
There he returns soon, for very short is his sojourn

A total of seven years in all he saw
When childhood is at best and still raw
By his wisdom and works, he awed
The small world of which he was an integral part

Undoubtedly a child saint extraordinary he was
Fortunate are those who saw him close
While he played and worked his works incognito
In undisturbed obscurity, and largely unknown!

Saturday 17 May 2014

Enlightened bride

Suitors many line up
With their pranks and tricks
To woo the bride but one
They try to read her mind
And make a place in her heart
But she is shrewd  enough
And weighs all pros and cons
The one who ultimately wins
Is undoubtedly the most deserving
Who takes the bride along
To the envy of one and all
She is your beloved, dear bridegroom
But she is our heart and soul
Our aspirations, our vision and what not
Mandate we have given you in her
The most precious jewel of all
Now you are under watch 
The bride shall keep you on toes
And scrutinize you from close
So beware, and take good care
You appear to be made for each other
The need of the times, its vision and dream
You have worked very hard for it
We have also waited patiently enough
Such a match is very rare to come by
Now is the opportunity to create and give shape
To the dreams of the enlightened bride
And her millions of bride maids
That shall be your justification
To our democratic and popular mandate!



Friday 16 May 2014


When the choice is difficult
Either to live or take leave
A common man faces it often
Helpless and with no sight of any  relief

Preaching won't do at all
Nor any tall promise at this stage
When the struggle is to make the two ends meet
All talk of ideal and compromise looks pale

When greed is the base of compromise
Either to win or survive
Shun it with all your might
For with some loss, the losers don't die

Life is full of compromises
Some petty and insignificant
But they make or mar life
Such is the vulnerability of life

Conscience remaining intact
No compromise with truthfulness
A heart full of gratefulness
Small compromises are sometimes made in public interest

Statesmanship is in wholesomeness
When even compromise brings forth virtuousness
And strengthens the spirit of brotherhood and fairness
Compromise is a way of life of the enlightened, yet so noble and harmless!

Thursday 15 May 2014


Wait and more wait
Queue for everything
To deliver the new
And dispose the worn few

Half  spent in accumulation
Another half in wait
What contains your basket
Stuff useless and stale

There is but one way
Strange and mysterious
Shunned by everyone
As it has nothing to display

One who is other worldly
Took to this path
Tired of things worldly
And its queues long

He walked and walked
Deep and deeper inside
When mystery began unfolding
He froze outside and inside

It was then that he heard
A deep and commanding voice
Don't go back, my dear child
Bear a little more, and comes your prize

Baffled and out of wits
He stood there still
Then whispered someone
Right you walk, but when the world will

Queue and wait
Ready to stagnate
What is the world's fate
When only muck it generates

There is no queue in His home
Only if you are ready to receive
As much and more than your heart's fill
Come, kiss His feet, and His Grace shall envelope thee!

Wednesday 14 May 2014


A long date sheet to reckon
Examination centers too many
Spread all over the country
The candidates go not to sit for exam
But are marked there by public in secret
And their fate stands sealed for a time in machines

When exams are all over
And the tally begins
Who passes or tanks
It is there for all to see
And then they rule over us
Whom we help to win

Exams come once in five years
And we who are eligible
Are allotted one mark each
That's all we are worth if any
In this mammoth exercise
Of a vibrant democracy

It is all worth its while
Each mark counts
And makes or mars
One's destiny and profile
Public and elected both ride the bandwagon
The spectacle, that is the result, of the use of our democratic right!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Life's mystery

See the richness in your eyes
A beautiful heart, and an agile mind
Spring in steps, hope flying
A wonderful canvass changing with time

Build no rooms or walls in your heart
And don't restrict your mind with thoughts
His one thought created the worlds and beyond
He willed and the wheels of creation never stop

In the big picture, where do we stand
Not even a dot are we, yet prominent
In His image He made us, but keeps a distance
To see whether we seek him, whatever the circumstance

Have no regrets, and make no comparisons at all
Go not overboard at your rise, and despair not when you fall
Accept whatever comes with grace, and face the adversity head on
Open up and flow with the flow of life, as it goes on and on

Life is whatever you may like to call it
An enigma, a puzzle or a great mystery
Its raises more questions than it answers
The quest to understand deepens its mystery!


One is never alone
In the company of one's Self
When your mind wanders
And eyes look far
The inner voice nudges you
Why look beyond
Each and everything is inside you
Whatever it is that you want
Be patient, and have a heart
The sojourn is difficult
But not too long
"Hold my hand" it says
And waste not a moment
Lest you get lost in the maze
And the time comes
To mingle with the stars! 

Sunday 11 May 2014

Nature's rhythmn

There is a rhythm
In silence and speech
Breath and heartbeat
And in the stillness deep

Noise and song
Darkness and light
Without any rhythm
There is no manifestation, no life

Creation is ever unfolding
So silently, that ears hear not
Be in touch with your soul
To hear the Universal Bard

It is but a play of the cosmos
The rhythm of  divine dance
Grossness is out of touch with reality
And its most wonderful part

When the realization ultimately dawns
No use repenting over what is lost
Step in to dance with the nature's rhythm
Before becoming a part of its dead past!

Saturday 10 May 2014

Ownership of love

Innocent souls, fresh from His mould
But love wells up in the mother
Only for the child, which is her own
Ownership comes first, and then follows love

What about those, with none to call their own
Father is one, whom we all claim to own
But there are some men and women
Who love these children more than their own

His heart wells up and teary eyed
He blesses such noble souls
For they love with the love
Which is selfless, yet truly owned

The source is one, the fountainhead of love
It flows freely, yet we partake not of this love
Walls we build, and accumulate filth
If we love not His children, Him we can't love!

Friday 9 May 2014


Wise and fools look the same
In their mouths are teeth twenty eight
Four more are wisdom teeth
Fools shall do with hollow space

Fools have no horns
And the wise no tail
If elections were silent
It shall be a difficult choice to make

Election is the tragedy of time
Tyranny of the few bidden goodbye
But if cartoons all become who fight
Mockery it makes of the entire exercise

Development, secularism and poverty of the mind
Anti everything when nothing new comes to mind
Bombarding the mind as if it were a nuclear reactor
Critical mass to reach, and then auto mode applies

It has been too long of a street fight
No documentary, drama or reel life
Let it be over, there are more things to do
Elections are elections, not everything to life!

Thursday 8 May 2014

Invisible hand

A leader is led by many before he leads
He learns his lessons fired with much zeal
In humility he serves those whom he leads
And remembers with a grateful heart
All those who made him what he is

We need such leaders who sacrifice their peace
To fight for those who are too weak to resist
They have power of conviction
And the power that powerless give
Mighty powers are laid low by their steel and will

What do they get when they put everything at stake
Gamblers they are but unique
Outsmarting each and every move of the  crooked
War between good and evil is played on world stage
True leaders lead the good , while evil  plays umpteen games

Leaders never win the battle alone
It is the confidence and trust of the masses
Their audacity and dexterity
The power of righteousness
And the Invisible hand that ensures their victory!

Wednesday 7 May 2014


Every  beginning comes to an end
And every end has a new beginning
Things mortal have an expiry date
But their echo lasts much beyond the date

What we do comes back to us
Nothing is kept back from us
Life is nothing but an echo of sorts
A tad louder than the sound of our hearts

Birds and animals chirp and roar
Echo enriches the notes that float
Each makes a difference for sure
One voice less, and the jungle mourns

When darkness descends
In the silence deep
Lives go half awake, half asleep
Waiting for the next day to begin

One life is not sufficient
To recompense one's misdeeds
They haunt one in several rebirths
 And their echo robs one's peace

Echoless remains the life
Lived pure and meaningfully
Not even a whisper we hear
Though so much good it did

Such a one is alone
Without even a shadow or echo for company
He plays his assigned role
Fully yet wisely
And then in silence departs
To live in the heavens eternally!

Dialogue with self

If you catch me by the neck
Or hold my breath
What do you get
A body lifeless

If you slap me hard
Or break my bones
For I speak the truth
Which you can't digest

If you shout at me
Or call me names
I can understand
How pitiable is your state

When I confront you
You turn away
If I am wrong
Prove it right away

Whether you are right or not
It is not for you to judge
State the facts as they are
And leave it to others to draw the inference

When I see you
And say not a word
That troubles you more
For you feel guilty at your core

I challenge you
You challenge me
Yet we hold our hands in a friendly way
We are humans first, opinions come not in our way

We meet and discuss
But not the things attributed to us
Let the world break its head over it
While we spend a few moments in peace

Peace is what we all desire
Let all arguments between us cease
Our quarrelsome selves be left at the door
So that we meet each other in peace!

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Random thoughts

One listens with the ears
But hears with the mind
Eyes may be wide open
But one sees with mind's eye

Hand on wheel
A pen that wields
The brush that thinks
Creation does the rest
Different, unique or masterpiece

Everything has a purpose
And each and every one counts
An ocean is but a congregation of drops
Soldiers fight but a general wins the war

What is right and what is wrong
Depends upon the frame of reference
If right itself is relative
Then no one is absolutely wrong

How good is the stuff on your plate
It depends on how well you roast or bake
Nurture well all that you sow
Before comes the drought, soon or late
And then expect Him to send the rain

What is gained can be lost
Even before the ink dries not
But the old habits die not
However much one tries or hides hard!

Monday 5 May 2014

Think over

Listen carefully
And hear well
What one says
And that also
What one says not

What may click
One knows not
You may not hear again
What you earlier heard not

Weigh your words
So that they don't hurt
Bruises that you cause
With your mouth
Are your debts
To be repaid
With full interest

Do something good
Or do nothing
If your actions
Make a heart heavy
You conscience becomes
At the least, doubly heavy

Good deeds remain
Deeply etched
In collective memory
Generations shall remember
What good you did
Which shall be there to see
For years, decades and may be centuries many!


Oh! My sweetheart
My motivation, my soul, my all
Don't bend, stand tall
For if you look down
How shall I see the stars

Be ahead of me
So that I follow thee
I slow down
But you tire not
When I take rest
A little too much
You shake me hard
And up on my feet again, I walk

When you sit on a high pedestal
I look into your eyes, not blinking at all
How majestic and beautiful is my sweetheart

Distracted only once I was, my misfortune
When I looked back, nothing was there, nothing at all
I pleaded with apologies and what not

She felt hurt
She took to heart
Her beloved, she wondered
Did he love her
As much as she thought

I promised that I shall never look away
May be I am in the midst of a turbulent sea
Or a heavy storm from all sides lashing me

She is my hope, my confidence, my breath
I shall hold her hand and will never let her go away
But if she frees herself and goes far up into the sky
And appears a small dark circle, or a tiny dot
Which the hem of her skirt defines

My soul then shall also rise
To merge with that tiny dot
Which the hem of her skirt defines
Me and my motivation shall be one
Sitting at His blessed feet!

Saturday 3 May 2014

Casual silver

He is careless
His world is different
Casual in everything
Seriousness is foreign to him

Right or wrong
Are mere words to him
What he says and does
Has no logic in it

He sets his eyes high
But plays dice with his life
Get everything on demand
Why slog for it

He masters things inconsequential
All else  matters not to him
World is like a disco
Social networking a religion to him  

He gives his best to funny pranks
Emotions and feelings are far from him
Yet it is fun to be by his side
One instantly become like him

But when the need arises
He is the first to reach
In help and giving
Only a few can equal him!



If  heart were a fairy
The mind her knight
One races
The other flies
Amazing love stories
Keep one tongue tied

Hands shake
The thoughts fly
What to capture
How to write
There is so much
That comes to light

Stories upon stories
Lie buried inside
Such as those
Which words fail to describe
Heart a fairy
Mind her knight

Lovers such as these
Heart and mind
One races, the other flies
Day passes, when comes the night
Wide awake they remain, the whole night
Their love so mad, none other to find!

Friday 2 May 2014


Those who have wings
Shall  fly
Some of us
Who are grounded
Grow wings
And learn to fly

Those who crawl
Move only a little about
That's all

Birds who fly in formation
They look so elegant
 And captivating is their flight

There are some birds
Who leave the group
And try something new

They have the zeal
And much steel
To go on a different trajectory

There are a few
Less than a few
Who go up and up
In the rarefied air
Enduring and struggling
And reach the higher of the heights

Likewise it is with men
When they march in formation
It is a sight to watch
There are some of them
Who soar high
To pluck the stars

We are the torch
And they its flame
When we go
Where goes the flame
Our world stands lifted
And it is no longer the same!

Thursday 1 May 2014


In a far corner by the side of a small village
They make their dream home
Determined, and way out
Of their comfort zone
The surroundings natural
But every conceivable technological facility
They bring to their new home

A few hundred people
Who give their all
To create a living paradise
On a small plot
And carry thousands of poor locals along
How commendable and noble their job

But  this paradise comes at enormous cost
They have the means and a big heart
It gives them happiness, no doubt
But reality remains far and cut off
However, there are some brave hearts
Who remain where they are
And face the reality bang on

The world is as we make it
Not an island, but the whole of it
Some make it a boxing ring
And some a stage to play
Yet others make it their home
Because they are of the world
And the world one family as a whole

Running away from reality
May give temporary peace
But hats off   to those
Who live in filth, yet float clean

If an Island one makes
An  island it remains
It has its charm awhile
Which in time fades away

If you sanitize a piece of land
It remains cut off from the mainland
If heaven itself descends on that piece
What is that to the world, which remains as it is

We need people who remain grounded
All over the face of the earth
And at each nook and corner
To nurture nature and its various life forms
And to make a difference to one and all

If we are men indeed
We all are of one creed
And the world is our home
Every  bit of it
Earth is our shield
And sky our dream
We shall rise together
And make a new world of our dreams!


Behind a thin veil
I have seen her pass
How majestic her walk
I remain thirsty for a glance

Once in a while
When she lifts her veil
What beauty I see
My heart stops without fail

Her eyes sparkle
Her cheeks dazzle
Her lips seductive
A mole sits pretty on her face

I look into her eyes
Her gaze distant
A subtle smile
Make her presence different

I love her so much
Each and every moment
And when she is not there
I wait every moment

Whether she also loves me
It never bothers me a moment
But I yearn for my beloved
Each and every moment
God must be feminine
I see Him in her every moment!