Monday 28 April 2014

Words matter

Teenagers we were then
Privy to our words and tricks
More we dabbled with them
Closer we became in everything

Who were restrained then
Strangers in their own den
Early years they lived only half
And grew up, but less than full

Old habit shows its glimpse
Loose words give tongue a slip
A slip that shows here and there
And a new but ill fitting underwear
A snapped back string on top of that
Leaves one much embarrassed
And red faced too

Let there be only good words on our tongue
Bad habits and epithets be far enough
We shall then be at peace inside  
And grow more in love without any fuss

Where there is no you and me
Hearts sing, wake or sleep
In maturity we hold our tongue
Yet a child in us remains
Playful and naughty too
Yet careful enough, not to spill the beans!

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