Thursday 3 April 2014


One is lonely, life a prison
Ask a king, or who is not someone
Loneliness strikes when nothing appears right
One makes efforts, yet is left high and dry

Life as we live is a rat race
Most lose while a few win the game
If winner feels lonely, he mostly is to blame  
Because he gloats in his win and flaunts his fame

Conquer peaks as many as you may
But show not the conquests on your face
People flock to one who is approachable and looks the same
One who moves with them freely , and is yet great

Loneliness is only in the mind
As one feels cut off or deprived
Free mind knows no loneliness
It builds not walls, but unifies

Man is essentially social ,not a loner in the least
This keeps him in senses, and he becomes not a beast
But if loneliness comes somehow and whatever be its cause
Get up and sprint away before in its grip you are caught!

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