Wednesday 30 April 2014


One wakes up when the things go wrong
Leaving no option, but to bear awhile
What use is the wisdom after the event
When  in need , it stands not by your side

One is wayward whiling away his time
Why regret, when opportunity thus slips by
What use is the sobriety in grey haired
When one is past his prime

One is obstinate and of rigid mind
And  learns not when still there is time     
What use is the flexibility in old age
When no one heeds your advice

One is bad mouthed and cursing all the time
He stands isolated ignored by every passer by
What use are sweet words that sound artificial
And reveal a shallow heart and narrow mind

One is over confident , no thought of God in mind
When comes an adversity ,no help comes from any side
What use is that prayer that comes loaded with wishes
From those who are of ungrateful  kind

There is some use for each and everything
But each one at the appropriate time
Before time, a fruit is unripe and not yet in shape
Also fruitless is much grind and shine, in the autumn of life!

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