Wednesday 30 April 2014


One wakes up when the things go wrong
Leaving no option, but to bear awhile
What use is the wisdom after the event
When  in need , it stands not by your side

One is wayward whiling away his time
Why regret, when opportunity thus slips by
What use is the sobriety in grey haired
When one is past his prime

One is obstinate and of rigid mind
And  learns not when still there is time     
What use is the flexibility in old age
When no one heeds your advice

One is bad mouthed and cursing all the time
He stands isolated ignored by every passer by
What use are sweet words that sound artificial
And reveal a shallow heart and narrow mind

One is over confident , no thought of God in mind
When comes an adversity ,no help comes from any side
What use is that prayer that comes loaded with wishes
From those who are of ungrateful  kind

There is some use for each and everything
But each one at the appropriate time
Before time, a fruit is unripe and not yet in shape
Also fruitless is much grind and shine, in the autumn of life!

Tuesday 29 April 2014

March afresh

It was well begun
With intentions good
And steadfast will
Picture shown was perfect
Like a new dawn
Knocking at the door
A few steps more
And we shall see
Everything fresh and pure

The path was rough, no doubt
In midway it lost its way
The picture of promise
Dimmed and then fizzled away

Nothing new we see
Where it went wrong
Lust for power
Or ebbing resolve
It is time to introspect
And to take stock

Movement is important
Let it not lose its steam
Dedicated men and women
With crystal clear objectives
Each one makes a difference
If one tires and needs some rest
After putting everything to test
The other should  take over
And continue with more zest

With status quo we won't rest
We have reposed our faith in you
And our trust is in your hands
We have once seen that
Which you have in you
And we want to see it once again

Don't waver or go wayward this time
Together we can make it happen, we promise
And usher in the much needed change
Time is also on our side
No one can stop this mighty tide

We have risen together and shall not rest
Till we march into the new dawn
Which was our hope and promise
And which now comes soon to enthuse our hearts!

Monday 28 April 2014

Words matter

Teenagers we were then
Privy to our words and tricks
More we dabbled with them
Closer we became in everything

Who were restrained then
Strangers in their own den
Early years they lived only half
And grew up, but less than full

Old habit shows its glimpse
Loose words give tongue a slip
A slip that shows here and there
And a new but ill fitting underwear
A snapped back string on top of that
Leaves one much embarrassed
And red faced too

Let there be only good words on our tongue
Bad habits and epithets be far enough
We shall then be at peace inside  
And grow more in love without any fuss

Where there is no you and me
Hearts sing, wake or sleep
In maturity we hold our tongue
Yet a child in us remains
Playful and naughty too
Yet careful enough, not to spill the beans!

Sunday 27 April 2014


One who is new is innocent
Knowing nothing is innocence
One who knows much is knowledgeable
But where goes his innocence

A child is curious and innocent
Learning tricks yet innocent
It is his age which is innocent
Years wear away the gift of innocence

Worldly wise are of two types
Ones who shed their innocence
And others who in wisdom remain  innocent
Untouched by ego and crookedness

God made us simple and innocent
As a child is pure and innocent
It is we who go astray as we march
And seek everything but innocence

The world is full of complexity and selfishness
Everything for grabs  and to share emptiness
Depression, sadness and much unhappiness
Where is hope , innocence , promise  and brightness

Simplicity and innocence shall stage a comeback
The way the world has gone has proved fruitless
It is imperative that we go back to our roots and flourish
For there we shall find only purity, innocence and exuberance!

Saturday 26 April 2014

Ennobling the mind

What we do and how
Seeds are sown in the mind
Watered by one's heart in love
They sprout well and fine

When mind ignores the heart
And what it feels and says
One misses the big picture
Seeing only the colour and paint

Mind is restless and  powerful
Keep the heart's strings tuned
In synch they stir the soul
With a melody that  soothes

Mind is ennobled with truth and foresight
A  contented heart resides at peace inside
Beating gently at each and every step
As the mind sings and shakes its legs

Heaven and hell
They are in the mind
When heart takes over
The mind soars high
Hell is the refuse of the heartless
In Heaven lives a noble mind!

Thursday 24 April 2014

A caged bird

When freedom is taken away
One's needs looked after any way
None is poor, and a few rich
Rest all are in the middle way

Pride of motherland keeps one going
Though the wings are clipped half way
To fly but a little and then pulled down
So that no one dares to go its own way

Slog and dance as the master wants
What you want matters not
Your movements under watch
Swallow your thoughts, express them  not

They speak on your behalf
You authorise them or not
Open not your mouth
Lest you are caught
Treason be the charge
There is no escape at all

What is this all
You have no control
Over your own thoughts
Left hand snoops
What right hand does or not
Alas! How long will it last

A caged bird for long
With sad and heavy heart
Loses its zest to live
Before it is too long

If lucky it is
It shall slip away
When cage door is loose
And the master looks away

Home is a home
Where lives one's heart
And his mind free
With its thoughts

A little will do
But my freedom
Cut it not short
My life is my own
Answerable to him
I am every moment

I dance on my feet
A song on my lip
With a grateful heart
Thank God! A caged bird I am not!

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Nature's lessons

Let us watch and learn from nature
To be calm, creative and subtle
Secrets there are many unknown
And mysteries profound yet to be explored

Terrible it is when provoked
At times going awry of its own
Its fury being unimaginable
Sweeping whatever comes in its fold

Incomprehensible is the vast reality
Earth shakes and heavens roar intensely
Nature assimilates all that happens
As  ripples become one with depths watery

Wise are those who fine tune  their role
Blending it with nature as it unfolds
Shocks ,the world invariably undergoes
But they bear with fortitude all kind of storms

Nature is our perfect teacher
A good pupil follows its dictums
Lessons there are many to be learnt
To become whole and better humans!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Go green

Go green by all means
But become not a freak
Let your needs be limited
And make technology clean

Dryer over tissue
Heat over cool feel
Bake oneself no end
To reduce carbon footprint

Sanitise, no soap and water
When hungry, pluck and eat
Let everything become digital
No paper, no fabric

What nature has made
There is a meaning therein
Taking  only a little bit
What a large bounty it gives

If we can live but naturally
And make surroundings green
Carbon dioxide shall be no problem
The more we control our greed

Go digital, go green
But limit your need
Indulge, but a little
No saint, no freak!

Monday 21 April 2014

A good writer

He writes what he sees
And in that, what he feels
Nothing dictates him
But his conscience and will

His mind works furtively
He wakes up in his dreams
Everything is noticed
Nothing shall he miss

A new world he creates
And compels us to see
So that  we  understand
What really are we

The vision that he  shows
He reaches there before
If we read through his heart
We get a glimpse of his thoughts

He writes not to impress
But to satisfy his thirst
As he writes, he drinks
Yet it quenches not his thirst

He lives in our memories
And we live in his works
His works live eternally
Thus immortal we become!

Friday 18 April 2014


What he does
And why he does
Makes no sense
Do what we like
Say what we may
To him all is useless

What is not right
To him it is no wrong
What is nonsense
To him it makes perfect sense
He gets hell out of us
We nag him no less

We are fed up with him
He is fed up with our taunts
We quarrel with him
He gives more in retort
Whatever way we go
He doesn't understand

Adolescence shows its head
Or hides its effects
One is neither here nor there          
Tongue caustic, mood bombastic
Headstrong and unreasonable
On top of it

He demands everything as a right  
Poor parents helpless, and their plight
Give in they lose
Deny and it hurts their pride
Child is child, whatever way he is
He is no man that sensible he would be

He is asserting to find his place
Within his own home
Or on the street it may be
Patience, dear parents
Our child is so dear to us
As we  were to our own parents

This child shall become a man
As a man should really be
It is in this growing up under watch
That he learns, pinpricks and all
He will later look back and remember
As a parent of an adolescent, who takes hell out of him!

Thursday 17 April 2014

Palm and fist

Closed fist
Does not give
Loosen your hold
So that some may slip

With open palms
The poor lift
The ship of gold, which of its own
Moves not an inch

Goodness of the poor
Their hearts big
Hands that labour
Make rich rich

Those who take
Hardly give
Richness and progress
Are not the same thing

Poor remain poor
Rich are more rich
Progress is no number
Or richness of the rich

What matters is how we lift
Millions who in penury live
Hands are the same
Palms to show or make closed fist!

Wednesday 16 April 2014


Teenagers we were then
Privy to our words and tricks
More we dabbled with them
Closer we became in everything

Who were more restrained then
Strangers in their own den
Formative years they lived half way
And grew up not whole but anyway

"Old habits die hard"
Accidental slip costs a lot
As we grow into men
And father figure later on

Let the epithets dear to us
Slip away one by one
We shall still be ourselves
And love one another as before

Where there is no you and me
Hearts sing, wake or sleep
Praises to Him on every lip
Love is everywhere and everything!


Tuesday 15 April 2014

Devil's due

Give devil his due
Nothing more
Loosen the leash
And he runs amok
Raise the bar
If  he crosses one
What gain is doable
That everyone does
Pull in the reins
Lest he goes astray
Devil is no dog
Which has its day
Naked we stand
Shameless to say
When devil in us
Dances unabashed

Make the devil run
Gallop and straight
Never off the mark
His due he shall get
With due respect
And warm handshake!


Monday 14 April 2014

If life were an orange

Pluck them not
Ripen they soon
And become useless
Oranges are like that
One must eat them
At the right time
Not raw or ripe
But in between
Bitter is their peel
Yellow or green
Soft inside, sour and sweet

Appearances deceive
What is inside
They don't reveal
It is all a gamble
Jackpot by luck
Or just nothing

If life were an orange
Not raw or too ripe
Bitter in tongue
But the rest be fine
Sour occasionally
Sweet most of the times!

Saturday 12 April 2014

Nurture friendship

Friends are human first
They may agree at times
Or disagree many a time
But they always stand by each other's side

If they err, so be it
Even gods are not perfect
Nurture friendship lest it sours
As we please gods whatever happens

See what is good in friends you make
Never hurt their feelings in zest or being knave
Accept them as they are
Good friends come rare and far

Expect not from them, anything as a right
But they shall never leave you high and dry
When things don't work , however much you try
They shall walk with you, till you see some light

There is no rule or law to guide what they do
Nothing forces them as to what they should do
But they do so much without a word or whisper
What others shall not do, and yet make much murmur!


Thursday 10 April 2014

Are you married

Two is company
Opposites stick fast
But not for long
They find each other wrong
Far from perfect, full of faults
No more at their best
Rather the worst they can get
They are not what they were
What they tried to be, not at all
It all boils down to, my friend
Shut up and get lost
Single one was and felt lost
Now the two, tear each other apart
This is the truth, yet blind we are
Love and company is all
We yearn and in its grip are caught
One is not one, what one was
What one could be, remains in the thoughts
Friends are friends, all else is naught
Be what you like, it is fun much sought
If you are married , it matters a lot
And if single, laughter such that it ceases not!

Monday 7 April 2014


If a child raises questions
It is good, he thinks
But if one answers him not
A lot he would miss

Question one must
Before he accepts and trusts
One who follows blindly
He learns not slightly

What one doesn't understand
To him it makes no sense
One who questions till the end
Him no one shall misunderstand

Questions are many but all don't need an answer
Some questions are such, one has to find answers
Wise are those who ask and articulate the answers
For if everyone asks only, there would be no one to answer

One who replies truthfully
Viewing the question from all angles
He may be called a crazy fool
But only such fools uphold the truth

Those who lead face many questions
But answer to each is in their actions
Questions make them what they are
Adrift they would be if there were no questions

A question may have more than one answer
But there is one Question beyond human comprehension
The essence of being and universal existence
The ultimate finality that remains unanswered!

Fear the simple

Straight are not the ways of the world
And what all games people play
Simple abhor the manipulations
And keep themselves away

It is now no more the same way
They have entered the fray to change the old ways
Fear the simple, Oh! you crooked
Who have misled the simple, time and again

Simple may be naive, and get stuck in the whorls
That their own brethren cleverly create
But He brings them out, Who guides their way
Baton shall pass into their hands, who shall lead the way

Simplicity is good per se, but it does not carry one far on the way
Simple have to learn the tricks and ways of the world. not to indulge
But to stop worldliness from making any headway
Worldly wisdom can't do, what wisdom of the simple does straightaway

Power when it comes in the hands of the simple
They have to doubly watch their ways
To never let it corrupt their thinking and actions
As simple they are good, and let them so remain!  

Sunday 6 April 2014


Relations are so weak and fragile
It takes years to build them up
Watering, pruning and constant care
But it takes a moment to goof them up

However much one takes care
Not to hurt or annoy others
Misunderstandings develop all of a sudden
To their dismay who care for each other

Watch your words and how you conduct
Communicate so that doubts are cleared up
Even then one is understood in different ways
As are various minds and their different states

Emotions make or mar the show
Without emotions life is a joke
Indifference and listlessness suffocate and choke
Let emotions flow freely, why poke one's nose

Understanding is by far limited and conditional
Interpreting sameness in quite different ways
Universal understanding one should aim at
Viewing things differently, yet interpreting the same way

Unintended misunderstanding hurts a lot
How one interprets it was thought not
What we see and think, that we say
But that we don't perceive, it makes a difference

Interpretation or misinterpretation of things matters a lot
But what matters more is that eyes and minds we close not
Life is made rich and spicy, by good works that we do
And with some controversy and misunderstanding to which we all contribute!

Thursday 3 April 2014


One is lonely, life a prison
Ask a king, or who is not someone
Loneliness strikes when nothing appears right
One makes efforts, yet is left high and dry

Life as we live is a rat race
Most lose while a few win the game
If winner feels lonely, he mostly is to blame  
Because he gloats in his win and flaunts his fame

Conquer peaks as many as you may
But show not the conquests on your face
People flock to one who is approachable and looks the same
One who moves with them freely , and is yet great

Loneliness is only in the mind
As one feels cut off or deprived
Free mind knows no loneliness
It builds not walls, but unifies

Man is essentially social ,not a loner in the least
This keeps him in senses, and he becomes not a beast
But if loneliness comes somehow and whatever be its cause
Get up and sprint away before in its grip you are caught!

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Taming of the tongue

One who bridles his tongue
Half the war of life he has won
Rest is flexing of arms and legs
And how well he uses his head

However much gifted one may be
And luck and time  on his side be
If he offends with his speech, he stands to lose
However good his intention may be

Hold your tongue , it is better to be mum
When speech is not right, smaller you become
Think, prepare and articulate well before you speak
Words well said, even a few, a lot they mean

A few good words are soothing much
Like cool breeze with its gentle  whisper
 As pearls much precious adorn a crown
Good words, well thought of, do a man proud

Tongue that is well tamed
One's stature it highly elates
With humility and confidence
A million hearts it elevates!

Tuesday 1 April 2014


Work as much as you may
Many laurels may make your days
But  if that snatches your sleep away
You need to think to change your ways

Money and wealth one may accumulate
Peace of mind is bartered away
One wishes to have some sleep
Which comes not near any way

One may like to do whatever and all
But much of that needn't be done at all
Do what you want but as much, that's all
That you have time to rest and introspect, after all

They sleep well who have nothing to lose
And who distribute all what they can otherwise lose
Pills and potions for sleeplessness adorn one's bedside
Who yearn for some sleep, while tossing  from side to side

Sleep is a wonderful gift
After a day's arduous grit
Let it be soft and sweet
So that you wake up rested and fit

Why do something
That robs your sleep
And if it is done by mistake
Never repeat, and soon get past it

Prepare well to have a good sleep
It is no mean task, as some may think
Gold and silver may tempt one much
But they are nothing before a good night's sleep!