Monday 12 January 2015

Small steps

An insignificant event
takes a great shape
While a major effort
It goes waste

Why always plan big
Postpone and wait
Take small steps
And make your way

None makes history
Of its own it's made
Many sweat and slog
Yet make no headway

Strange things happen
That shock and awe
But misery all around
It stirs not a heart 

Be happy and contented
and do your part
But blessed are those
who give their life to a cause

Wait not for a good turn
and curse your fate
Count your blessings
and put them to good usage

Comparisons don't help
They breed jealousy
Why make yourself small
with your feelings and thinking

What matters the most
It's our character and good deeds
Which take us far
Both inwardly and outworldly!

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