Saturday 10 January 2015


Fear holds one's steps
Fear of everything
Even fear of fear
As if life is nothing but fear

Fear comes bound with life
Some choose fear over life
They remain in a pigeonhole
While wonders of life pass by

Come out in the open
And loosen the hold
That fear has on you
Before it takes the life out of you

Catch it by the throat
The fear that bothers you
And banish it far
Lest it comes near you

Fear feeds on fear
And becomes bigger
Face it head on
And it disappears

Become stronger day by day
By overcoming fears that block your way
A time will come sooner than you think
When no fear shall have any hold or sway

Life comes bundled with fears
One who conquers the fears
He lives the life as one should
Those who live in fear they can't live!

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