Monday 12 January 2015


Prison takes away one's freedom
as provided under the law
But a prisoner is a human first
when he is behind bars

What are his rights
and how shall he enforce
When system is callous
and inhuman who enforce

Should he suffer
and what is the recourse
When one who counsels
he is hand in glove

This needs to be thought over
Because helpless are those
who while serving a term
are worse than the lowliest of the low

False reports and inconsistent reasoning
they are not challenged or deplored
One who is cut off from the world
how can he raise his finger alone

There is need to humanize the mindset
Where the law in its wisdom decides
to create a barrier between man and man
And the man behind bars faces a hostile tribe

How can we consider ourselves civilized
when some of us forget all civility
and rule over the helpless and condemned
without a thought that they too are human!

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