Tuesday 20 January 2015

Mind body connection

Body is perishable
with time it decays
Mind being its driver
Whom it obeys

As one control the mind
and does some exercise
It keeps one fit
and full of life

Whatever we do
it brings a change
The body is obedient
and rarely it complains

Renew your body
with mind control
It shall decay
but less and slow

How it happens
this wondrous connection
We assume and interpret
and then revise our perception

We then explore the outside world
and what keeps in balance the universe
The phenomena at work within and without
It's the same in life or celestial flow!

Saturday 17 January 2015

Science and intelligence

Wave and particle
They interchange
Wave is a disturbance
Like a particle it behaves

Everything is matter
Or anti matter
Every inch of space
It's so made

Love and emotions
Intelligence and imagination
exhibited by a living being
they are also something

When there was nothing
The worlds manifested
With matter and energy
And intelligence sprung up from nothing

Is there anything more to it
than matter, energy and intelligence bound to it
Call it super intelligence or whatever
But can any science give an answer to this?

Friday 16 January 2015


It keeps us together
But a pain it becomes
when it needles unnecessarily
a childless couple

The despair and pain
that they face
It is compounded
by the hostility they face

Is it a curse
as is made out to be
Or it is so ordained
to be treated differently

He blesses all
but childless some remain
They bring up some
but foster parents they remain

Open your eyes
understand and see
Every child is special
whatever be his genes

Those who are unable to pass on their genes
They serve the humanity but differently
As they love other children like their own
Their love flowers and so beautifully!

Thursday 15 January 2015

Fredom to express

Mock mock mock
Laugh laugh laugh
The world is on roll
Play as you want

We live not in jungle
But a family we are
We go along together
But not our thoughts

With pencil and brush
we dig into our thoughts
This art is funny
it hits direct and hard

Some feel offended
But no offence we mean
Belief and faith
They also stir us deep

Confrontation we don't want
But guns can't silence
The freedom to express
Which is our breath and essence

Try to understand us
We respect everyone's feelings
If a line we draw
we can't express ourselves fully

Creativity can't be bound
if it has to flourish freely
It questions all that there is
and accepts nothing as finality!

Monday 12 January 2015

Small steps

An insignificant event
takes a great shape
While a major effort
It goes waste

Why always plan big
Postpone and wait
Take small steps
And make your way

None makes history
Of its own it's made
Many sweat and slog
Yet make no headway

Strange things happen
That shock and awe
But misery all around
It stirs not a heart 

Be happy and contented
and do your part
But blessed are those
who give their life to a cause

Wait not for a good turn
and curse your fate
Count your blessings
and put them to good usage

Comparisons don't help
They breed jealousy
Why make yourself small
with your feelings and thinking

What matters the most
It's our character and good deeds
Which take us far
Both inwardly and outworldly!


Prison takes away one's freedom
as provided under the law
But a prisoner is a human first
when he is behind bars

What are his rights
and how shall he enforce
When system is callous
and inhuman who enforce

Should he suffer
and what is the recourse
When one who counsels
he is hand in glove

This needs to be thought over
Because helpless are those
who while serving a term
are worse than the lowliest of the low

False reports and inconsistent reasoning
they are not challenged or deplored
One who is cut off from the world
how can he raise his finger alone

There is need to humanize the mindset
Where the law in its wisdom decides
to create a barrier between man and man
And the man behind bars faces a hostile tribe

How can we consider ourselves civilized
when some of us forget all civility
and rule over the helpless and condemned
without a thought that they too are human!

Saturday 10 January 2015

Become a soul

What was a soul
Before it became life
Nothing of the sort
that can be described

It exists in continuum
and perishes not
Whatever one's experience
it remembers all

Independent and unattached
It knows all
When it enters a body
it watches its walk

Not constrained by life
To which it is bound
One comes closer to it
distancing from worldly life

Raise yourself and become a soul
what you were before
in your original home
Unborn and unblemished!

Natural law

When greed is a habit
and habit a need
One digs his grave
while he lives

Though we think and talk
But it all comes to naught
With uncontrolled greed
A catastrophe may soon befall

Charity begins at home
A beginning let us make
Dispense with the unnecessary
And increase the natural take

It's already too late
Swallow the bitter pill
And correct the ailment
Before an epidemic shape it takes

It all begins best at the beginning
The childhood is impressionistic
Teach the children the value of good things
And live by every word you say and preach

Change the way you live
Make it uncomplicated
And reduce your needs
A new meaning will then assume your deeds

Curiosity should be kept alive
To explore the nature's mysteries
One comes closer to nature
More he unravels its secrets

Be natural and live naturally
And keep together the diversity
Man has to play his part well
For the survival of humanity!


Fear holds one's steps
Fear of everything
Even fear of fear
As if life is nothing but fear

Fear comes bound with life
Some choose fear over life
They remain in a pigeonhole
While wonders of life pass by

Come out in the open
And loosen the hold
That fear has on you
Before it takes the life out of you

Catch it by the throat
The fear that bothers you
And banish it far
Lest it comes near you

Fear feeds on fear
And becomes bigger
Face it head on
And it disappears

Become stronger day by day
By overcoming fears that block your way
A time will come sooner than you think
When no fear shall have any hold or sway

Life comes bundled with fears
One who conquers the fears
He lives the life as one should
Those who live in fear they can't live!

East and west

East looks at the whole
To know what is
and to know more

West starts from the ground
To know for sure
what is and to know more

One thinks with the mind 
The other from the brain
But the striving of both is the same

Nothing is wrong with them or their ways
Learning comes to them but in different ways
And the world stands enriched either way

West drinks from a cup
And the east from the vast sea
The elixir is the same, drink from the cup or the sea

Sun rises first in the east
And it sets last in the west
But who move with the light they see no sunset

Start from the east or walk from the west
And cross each other or meet in between
But the question remains the answer to which they seek!

Friday 9 January 2015

Strange ways

Strange are the ways
He teaches human beings
A long rope he gives
Or burns their feet

To err is human
That he knows
But whom he loves
He punishes most

He loves them much
And tests them hard
Through much heat and grind
Till they shine like star

Not everyone can take it
Many give up or collapse
He leaves them alone
But those who pass live in his heart

The ordeal is frightening
And experience sometimes wretched
But those who toughen up
They boldly face the crisis

Who have faith in themselves
And unquestioningly submit to his will
They come out dazed but wiser
And stronger in will and resolve!