Saturday 29 March 2014

Looking young

What all one does not do, so as to look young
And to catch up with the past which never comes
Is the time and effort spent, worth its while
Gone is gone , one broods, and still more time flies

Young and old are just body lines
Time is  ever young, and sun bright
Every life comes here for a specific purpose
To be accomplished in very limited time

Better be focussed on plan divine
Life in His hands is perfect and fine
He loves you as you look, sans make up
Neither fake nor in different looks you try

One is young as long as one shines
Like a star that keeps shining bright
One day it shall vanish and its light
But while it lived it shone well and bright

Enjoy the years and age gracefully
Live well in whatever life stage one may be
God has made life cyclical in His own wisdom
Beginning to end and then new beginning it shall be!


  1. What beautiful advice
    In words sans price

    Each stage of life is to cherish
    for life to to truly flourish

  2. may I say once more
    as I said before

    A photo with the post
    would be nice dost

    get a digital camera to click
    you will find photos in a flick

    Then get on to facebook
    to share your poems for a new look :)

  3. Dear Ashok ji, Thank you very much indeed for your lovely and poetic comments. I am completely floored, and there is a lot that I have to learn from you. I shall follow your advice on other issues also very soon. Thanks a lot once again.
    With warm Regards/ Vinod

  4. Dear Vinod, I was completely surprised by a recent email in the mech71 group that mentioned that I expect you to read my blog and also used unkind poetry. I have never claimed I am a poet like you, i just make silly jingles for fun mostly. I rarely refer my blog posts to mech71. They are for a different audience. but perhaps these are getting posted on your google plus page because we were connected there. I have severed that connection so that you do not have to know about my blog posts. Hope you are well. If something I wrote annoyed you do let me know. Best wishes

  5. Dear Ashok ji, I am extremely sorry for hurting your feelings.I deeply apologize from the depths of my heart. I have also separately apologized on mech-71 website.The poem was written on myself to share my innermost feeling with my friends. You have always encouraged and promoted me at every step. I would sinceely request you to kindly forgive the unintended transgression on my part. I would implore upon you to please continue to guide me as you have so kindly done so far. This blog was started as per your suggestion and guidance,and can continue further only with you help, guidance and blessings.
    With deep apology and warm Regards
    Vinod Khurana
