Sunday 2 March 2014

Fear of love

Life and fear go side by side
One explores, the other muddles behind
Life renews and spreads its wings  far and wide
One who lives in fear, just passes time
Fear of death torments day and night
On tip toe one walks all his life
Covering  only  inches not miles
What life it is ,sans wings and flight

Love is the breath that stirs life
Mechanical is the world of  calculated mind
Those who are bold in love, live full life
Lifeless one becomes ,who bids love good bye

Love is blind and sees not with eyes
Its sting paralyses logic and mind
One staggers and wanders intoxicated
Without his lips touching a drop of wine

Possessive love keeps one tied
Universal love expands to meet its bride
Chains and locks can't hold it a bit
Fear loses its hold, death stands nullified!


  1. Love thy wife love thy family love the human race but love not thy neighbor's wife !

  2. Dear Ram, Thank you very much for reining in love lest its arrow misfires.
    With Regards
