Monday 31 March 2014

If I were not me

Who shall I be
If I were not me
For thee are thee
Only I am not me

What happens to all that
When I had been me
And where shall I begin
With no past in new me

Whom I knew earlier
Shall not now know me
Stranger in my own home I become
Though I look only me

In mid race I join thee
Nothing to look back
Alien to one and all
A spectacle I shall be

If one's memory is washed away for good
What can he do  and poor thee
But to start afresh with a heavy heart
One blank and to others past memories haunt

Sans memories, does it matter
If I were me or not me
And thee a new thee
All make a new beginning whatever it shall be

Isn't it like that in real life too
When civilisations are wiped out complete
Newness comes replete with new wonders
Life is either interconnected or isolated at his Will

If I were not me
Or whatever I would have been
It matters to me, but does it matter to thee , just ponder
But be rest assured, He loves us all whatever we are or have been!

Saturday 29 March 2014

Prayer for health

What is life without health
A chest without wealth
Nature without beauty
And heaven without hell

A well that has no water
What use it is to thirst
Health without priority
Becomes a casualty first

Health is vigor and wellness
With grace and a little thoughtfulness
To eat what and when with carefulness
And labor,contentment and perseverence

If choice is between health and heaven
It is better to choose health to live
For unless one lives the life full
He is half dead awaiting death for good

In health of body, mind and spirit
Let each life that stirs may live
No better divine gift comes from Him
Than pink of health as long as one lives!

Looking young

What all one does not do, so as to look young
And to catch up with the past which never comes
Is the time and effort spent, worth its while
Gone is gone , one broods, and still more time flies

Young and old are just body lines
Time is  ever young, and sun bright
Every life comes here for a specific purpose
To be accomplished in very limited time

Better be focussed on plan divine
Life in His hands is perfect and fine
He loves you as you look, sans make up
Neither fake nor in different looks you try

One is young as long as one shines
Like a star that keeps shining bright
One day it shall vanish and its light
But while it lived it shone well and bright

Enjoy the years and age gracefully
Live well in whatever life stage one may be
God has made life cyclical in His own wisdom
Beginning to end and then new beginning it shall be!

Friday 28 March 2014

Beautiful past

Past is gone past
It comes back not
Present becomes past
Faster than one's thought

One who thinks not of time past
Newness he may create
But with the same faults
Time flies and die is soon cast

Make past beautiful
And live present to the full
Past serves as a beacon to those
Who think and are careful

One's childhood is when past
Adulthood is also gone
And responsibilities are burden too heavy
He then remembers the sweet past

No need to live in the past
When life has already seen is a lot
Plan, think and do what you ought
Past your foot rest, future promising smart

Past, present and future
Isolated  islands they are not
Judicious Intermingling of time scales
Make music sweet, and a lovely song!


Laugh when you don't
Nothing much is lost
One who laughs in lows
In adversity he stands tall

Laugh and make others laugh
Laughter to the world, give a lot
Life comes into lifeless
The more you laugh

Once gone it comes not back
No retake or rewind option it has
Make every moment picture perfect
Fully prepared, nothing to hold you back

Do what you like, or like it not
But don't miss to give a hearty laugh
Apprehension and doubts block your path
Let laughter be your breath and thought

See a child and how she laughs
Laughter comes naturally, and is not taught
Nature blooms every moment while it laughs
Let child be your teacher, and nature wherewithal!


Tuesday 25 March 2014

Yes or no

When no is not no
And yes , don't know
What love birds say
Their eyes speak more

When black is not black
And all appears white
What matters the colour
To the eyes, colour blind

When thunder brings not rain
It's roar is in vain
From  sky clear and sunny
Comes unexpected rain

One who dominates
Shall have his way
All are equal in law
But leader finds the way

Contradictions there are many
Let some remain
Man struggles to be perfect
Imperfections some remain

When no is not no
And yes, don't know
Words can't express
Those who feel shall know!


Sunday 23 March 2014

Young spirit

Scaling worldly heights
Passion burning bright
Limbs tired somewhat
But not the least, mind

Uncanny propositions sizzle
Curiosity dissects life puzzles
Formals, diplomacy and business talk
Suffocate and make a heavy heart

It  is good to come back to the start
No going back as weak hearted thought
Childishness and pranks again thrill a lot
Daring stunts are real fun to watch

Life is more than daily grind
Money and medals don't entice
Trying one's hand on things new
Brings glimmer to ageing eyes

Spirit is yet bubbling and young
The life strings are loosely hung
Exploring newness keeps the mind alert
Not to scale but to experiment for fun!

Saturday 22 March 2014


How can one be righteous
If he is often not right
One is a virtue to  emulate
the other is state of mind

One who sees with inner eye
Has right and noble mind
Right he does as a matter of habit
Righteousness in him glows bright

Some speak in two minds
Whatever suits is fine
They are far from right
In every common  eye

Accuse as many as you like
Sing your praise sky high
Many may be on your side
But that does not itself make you right

Follow not the person
But the goodness that shines
One who wavers for gain
He pays a heavy price

Those who claim righteousness on their side
How can they ever be right
Blind in eyes and lost in mind one is
Who thinks he can rein in righteousness to take his side!

Friday 21 March 2014

Funny death

Stillness and movement
go side by side
One is like death
the other is life

Some die while they live
It comes every night
When one wakes up, he lives
In endless slumber, one dies

Life is full of fun
In fun blooms life
When sadness engulfs
Life just passes by

Death is in passing
To vanish without trace
It is fun to those
With whom magic it plays

It comes unannounced
One can't make it wait
Drowned in fun and frolic
In merriment some wait

Death is indeed funny
It strikes in no particular way
However well one prepares to take it
It shall have its way

Those who make it fun to die
And fear not to wear it on the sly
Death wonders, what to do with such life
In fun they live and happily they die

Life and death
go side by side
One ,one lives
the other is good bye!

Wednesday 19 March 2014


Why strain your mind
on things trivial
When mind is taxed
and life difficult         

Make it light
be it a joke or smile
Everything has a purpose
while it nags you awhile 

Joke is no joke
if it does not soak
What you don't like
comes back hundred fold

Joke and joker are inseparable parts
One is human,  the other his heart
With you in mind, and at his cost
He makes you laugh, to lighten your heart

Joker what all he does, appears a joke
He is not taken seriously, joke or no joke
Something said light heartedly changes course
Infusing vigour when heavy is the yoke

Life is full  of pits and turns
The path is uneven, full of bumps
Tread carefully, lest you fall
And life remains a joke, that's all

Seriously speaking, life itself is a wonderful joke
Wisdom comes wrapped in its outer cloak
To grasp and understand it keeps one afloat
Undercurrents touch not, while one swims ashore!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Beauty and truth

What makes atoms
are same particles
Variation in their number
makes the difference

Sameness and variation
blend to  bring
Texture and design different
 Both make a difference

Truth is one without a double
Beauty exists in several layers
Truth revealed silences doubles
Beauty covers even ugly layers                                      

Seek the truth in whatever you do
You shall find it inside you
Truth is within and without
Beauty of truth knows no bounds

Sameness keeps order and harmony
Turmoil and wars make history
Beauty one searches in silence
Truth stirs him in deep turbulence!

Sunday 9 March 2014

Ballot for change

One is made a fool every now and then 
To play their tricks as suit them
Who promise but keep not a word
And every time betray his trust

Think well  before you vote
A difference it shall make
Destiny at the press of a button
After years of  patient wait

No longer a puppet at their call
Determined to make history of sorts
Let the powers dance and get exposed
Waters are choppy and the boats rock

This ballot is going to be different
Voter is fed up and impatient
A considered choice he shall make
For change substantial and different

Nothing shall remain the same
The power equations or common take
What would matter is the work and walk
And how they make their vision come to pass!


Sunday 2 March 2014

Fear of love

Life and fear go side by side
One explores, the other muddles behind
Life renews and spreads its wings  far and wide
One who lives in fear, just passes time
Fear of death torments day and night
On tip toe one walks all his life
Covering  only  inches not miles
What life it is ,sans wings and flight

Love is the breath that stirs life
Mechanical is the world of  calculated mind
Those who are bold in love, live full life
Lifeless one becomes ,who bids love good bye

Love is blind and sees not with eyes
Its sting paralyses logic and mind
One staggers and wanders intoxicated
Without his lips touching a drop of wine

Possessive love keeps one tied
Universal love expands to meet its bride
Chains and locks can't hold it a bit
Fear loses its hold, death stands nullified!