Sunday 31 January 2016

Creatures of nature

We're creatures of nature
and nature is no jungle
what was natural before
is now mostly artificial.

We are proud of our civility
but it's all made up
and what we thought was a jungle
it was nature's beauty pure and original

Life abounds in nature
and in life is the law of nature
that takes care of everything
and each and every creature.

But the nature is harsh and wild too
that nothing we take for granted
and face the challenges before us
that make us stronger and sturdy.

Life is hard and no smooth walk
we're equally confident and strong
adventure we love
and nature duly rewards!

Saturday 30 January 2016

Prayer of the greens

We were trees proud and tall
with leaves so thick and green
that sun light could not pass through
and there was much shade and peace.

When autumn came unnoticed
there was no trace of the greens
the branches shed all their leaves
and the stem was dry as reed.

The sunlight soaked us
with light and warmth
that we somehow missed
when we were dense green.

Heart broken we prayed
that we be green all over again.
but not so dense lest we forget
to meditate daily and pray.

Let the sunlight soak us fully
and the roots feel its heat
that we never fail to remember
how we stand tall and green!


The more I learn
the more I'm sure
nothing I know
and what I wrote
it was nothing
but my ignorance.
And so I wonder
what to write
that it makes sense
and reassures me
that in ignorance too
one can find originality!

Friday 29 January 2016

Light and dark

One begins the other ends
day and night complement
at dawn and dusk they meet
black and white merge and mix.

Life is not just white and black
but the mix of shades of both
one has to make the sense of the maze
and how it takes them to the source.

White has all the colors in it
but darkness has none that we know
yet it fills everything that exists
the moment light extinguishes or exits.
Let us understand that both make sense
darkness to those who in it see more
an owl wakes up after sun down
and a bat flies at night without eyes.

If the light is the spark of creation
did darkness arise of its own
we as humans can see in light only
but we are only a part of the whole!

Thursday 28 January 2016

Where we're headed

What do we think of nature
that we compete with it
are we more than gods
that we play with it?
We're not even a speck
while the nature is unlimited
yet it takes care of everything
and whatever we need.
Don't we care to know
where all we're headed
though a glimpse we did have
of the nature's terrible fury.
Life would be just hell
per chance one survives
and none else to blame
for we asked for it!

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Receive and share

What is in my mind
that I don't't share
is it a treasure
I keep guarded there?
It weighs heavy on me
and keeps me tongue tied
I feel not free
for it ever binds .
So suffocated I feel
let me be out with it
never to return again
that I may breathe in peace.
Why should I receive that
which I can't share
nature shares its treasures fully
and nothing there's that it keeps with it!

Christmas every day

Christmas every day

Merry Christmas to all
wake up to a new start
there is no time to lose
and fret over that's lost.
Gifts be of our love
coming from our heart
and fill them with love
who know not love at all.
Let there be Christmas
each and every day
that a new start we make
as we wake up everyday!

Monday 25 January 2016

A loving bird

Slim and tall
majestic my walk
with wings spread
I dance and hop
and to weary hearts
I sing a song.
Invite me gently
with love in your heart
on your lap I sit
and kiss you warm.
But when you frown
and play a bit harsh
with my back to you
I take a flight afar!

Sunday 24 January 2016

Life's journey

Where have I come
that I am lost in it
and whatever was in my mind
that too is slipping.
What do I want
I know nothing
but what all I found here
that I was missing.
Where shall I go
I know nothing.
will life pass
as I just watch?
I stay not but wander
with nothing in my hand
flowing with the flow
unceasing and endless.
Where it shall take me
nothing I know
but so wonderful is the journey
when the life resists not its flow!

Thursday 21 January 2016

What's our future

We are poached and killed
for pleasure and meat
there's retribution in nature
none is spared in the least.
Why are you unconcerned
what has happened to thee
a child of nature you're
with a compassionate streak.
Law unto oneself
that's what some think
but when the times comes
they shall pay for their deeds.
None will lift them
and none shall save
who pity not an innocent life
none shall pity their fate.
What is our future
it troubles them not a bit
but what the future holds for them
we shudder to think!

Never quit

One is good at something
better in something else
had they known
they would have retraced their steps.
But it doesn't happen so
for it's often too late
yet there are some
who risk their all anyway.
Opportunities come to everyone
some let them pass
others seize them and play
so what if they fail.
Keep playing the game
quit not when you fail
for once you get it right
no regret remains!

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Fight for peace

Why raise any controversy
when there's none
where none loves peace
there's only fight and chaos.
May be that's their way
to be counted anyway
who choose to live in peace
they go unnoticed all the way.
Live whatever way one wants
but some difference one should make
what use is that wisdom
that brings no gain.
How can one fight against peace
and there's someone who finds peace
even in the midst of a battlefield
when on the side of righteous one is.
When wrong is being done before one's very eyes
how can then one watch in peace
that fight is surely justified
which ultimately results in meaningful peace!

Monday 18 January 2016

Celebrate the spirit

Why do we celebrate
the new year
when in fact we lose one more year?
Do things change
despite the resolutions we make
year after year?
But nature brings change
with a new dawn each day
while we continue to stick to our old ways.
Only when spirit is renewed
nothing remains the same
and freshness takes over in every way.
So celebrate the spirit within
not the days and the year
and make difference in your own way!

Sunday 17 January 2016

Need of the times

One who was good
has fizzled out
goodness is no longer good
when it keeps up not with the times.
Change is imminent
with change of times
for evil raises its head
while goodness is left behind.
One who is good for the times
and knows what needs to be done
will emerge a winner
for the time needs such one
that goodness may prevail
and evil is pushed back
not to raise its head again!

Saturday 16 January 2016

New year resolution

The new year has begun
let's resolve
to make the earth green
and pollution free.
It's our sweet home
lovely and pure
the filth that sticks
shall be washed clean.
The fear that grips
to face it boldly
hatred is a poison
with love we win.
Create no divisions
we're one family
together we shall work
for prosperity and peace.
The new year brings hope
but it also stirs us deep
to save our environment
and forget all differences.
Happy times to all
firm is our resolve
to make the earth green
peaceful and calm!

Fear of terror

Powers that ruled
fear grips them all
terror at the door
their sleep it robs.
How to talk peace
with suspicion in mind
trust is only in name
enemies on every side.
Survival and dominance
when both are important
they fight their own battles
for supremacy and relevance.
Their world view has shrunk
and who think for the world
their voice is not heard
yet they touch the common nerve.
Is this the way to fight terror
when the world divides
rather than coming together?
Hope of mankind is in unity
and humanity can progress
only by being together!