Saturday 15 November 2014

We recall

In queue we stood
All flesh and bones
Distracting our mind
To things far and close

The doctor arrived
With attendant in tow
One fiddled
The other explored

By a wave of a hand
We were disposed
Such batch processing
We saw from close

It was a strange world
Of sharks and wolves
Who pounced on us
With claws and fins

It was a prison of sorts
With no escape route
There was no option
But to reconcile soon

What happened thereafter
It's an open book
No need to repeat
It is known and understood

We were grilled and bullied
Ground and polished
The ordeal we survived
It was no ordinary thing

We who were lambs
Midway changed track
Some became wolves
And some sharks too

It was a jungle indeed
Unfit for meek and weak
The grind we went through
It made us something

It was what it was
But it gave us such confidence
That we could face the world
And its sharks and wolves!

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