Sunday 29 June 2014

Make it

What is complicated
Make it simple
What is long
Make it short
What is large
Make it small
Things look good
Brief and smart
If bare minimum it is
Better it is
For it covers that only
What is ought

What shines
May not be silver
What glitters
May not be gold
What appeals
May not be sold
Things look good
Polished and elegant
If bare minimum it is
So be it
For the gloss shows
In between the spots
What it ought

What sees
May not be an eye
Who hears
May not be an ear
What races
May not be feet
When the mind sees
The heart races
And the soul hears
Blessed is the human race
For it then does that only
What it ought!

Saturday 28 June 2014

Rootless imagination

Science wants proof
Imagination has no rules
Science spurs imagination
But holds fast its roots

Rootless imagination is free
It is not a kite on a string
Moving faster than speed of light
It pierces whatever there be

Science builds step by step
Imagination leaps meaningless
Beauty of nature is thoughtless
Science looks for meaning in their footsteps

Let the imagination run wild
Let it rule over hearts and minds
Look not for meaning in everything you see
Can thoughts comprehend the nature's rhythm

What you think, that you create
Without thought the mind stagnates
What is limited , limited it remains
But imagination breaks barriers that mind creates

When mind is let loose
Time and space are left to brood
Science feels shaky at the roots
Imagination rules over stars and moons!

Friday 27 June 2014

A pet dog

What do I ask
Some loafs to feed
And love that fills
You can count on me
You can bet on me
I shall be by your side when no one will

Seasons change, hearts change
But I remain the same
My master's slave

I am loving and faithful
And your shield
I charge at your enemy
As a lion will
I have no ego, no jealousy
I am happy to sit at my master's feet

The virtues I have many
Which you struggle to acquire
My instinct and sixth sense is much developed
But for my master I am just a dog, which he acquired

When I go out with my master
I feel like a king
I growl and bark at my own kin
A ferocious dog I become, that is me

A man treats another man
As if he were a dog
But I am a dog
And he treats me a dog

I salute my master
He shows me my place
We live under the same roof
My master and his slave!

Thursday 26 June 2014


Some people shun power
Yet it comes to them of its own
The public trusts them blindly
And in them reposes its trust

Power rules with iron hand
It bites with its sting
But it can't bend one who wills
Who bounces back like a spring

A drop that falls from the sky
It may be from the height of heights
But in humility it woos the ground
And loses itself in the river of life

It is on the ground we stand
And flow with the river of life
What shall any power do
When flow becomes a tide

Let power not blind you
Its weight may, however, bend you
Like a branch of a fruit laden tree
Whose fruit is in everyone's reach

History is witness to tremendous power
One horribly cruel and obnoxious
The other full of love and sacrifice
One makes man a devil
The other raises mankind!

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Black and white

Light is made of colors
None of which is white
Yet it shines brighter
And whiter than white

Black absorbs much
Both heat and light
Coal burns red
To gives heat and light

White takes light lightly
For light is also white
But dimness has much value
When it is dark on all sides

Night is dark
And day is bright
But some mourn in black
And some in white

God made black black
And white white
When one is in dark
Below the horizon is light

Don't shun the dark
But emulate what is right
Everywhere it was dark
Before He brought the light!

Monday 23 June 2014

What clicks

What clicks not
Let it be it so
What shuts with a click
May be a lock or a door

What fills not
Let it be it so
What fills and withstands
May be a well or a shore

Who speaks not
Let him be so
See how silence speaks
When nature unfolds

What is small
Let it be so
All  began with a dot
And endlessly it grows

What is bound
Let it be so
Life comes in shapes
Bound head to toe

What shuts not
Let it be so
Locks shall open
When luck knocks at the door!

Sunday 22 June 2014

Good is no good

Good is no good
Best is none the better
Letter and spirit
No longer go together

Walk is not fast enough
Race is none the better
Leap and soar
Light as a feather

Every climb is not high
A bird's flight is no better
Touch height of  heights
And like light be scattered

A forced smile is no good
Deep lines on face no better
When a child smiles, just see his face
How innocence and radiance dazzle

Everything red is not rose
Fragrance tells about its source
Beauty becomes one with rose
Like a blushing damsel in red robe

Good is no good
Best is none the better
The sky boasts not of its height
And what all it holds in its bosom!

Saturday 21 June 2014

Moment of madness

Birth is a moment
Death is a moment
Both significant moments
In between lives life

Life is very brief
Some is spent in routine
And some in leisure and sleep
The remaining is shorter still

There are some moments
Which shine, which thrill
But these are just a few
And far between

One moment is of madness
But it is larger than life
One takes the plunge
With everything  in his life
Whatever be the outcome
The life is indeed justified

Everyone wants to emulate
What these stalwarts do
But in their moment of madness
They  prefer to wait and brood

It is human madness
That makes the world
History would have been different
Had they not taken the plunge!


Friday 20 June 2014


When your heart is in your birthplace
And you have grown wise and naughty
In that place
But the mind takes you to another place
And you settle and become a citizen of that place
Will you ever feel at home there
Though your nationality may also change
Everything appears foreign there
Though  you have lived your later years in that place
Even small things disturb you
As if you are living in a strange place
But as fate would have it
You go on living in that place
Though longing is for your birthplace
There is something unique about your birthplace
That attracts you like a magnet
You may go to any place
But you want to be back in your birthplace! 

Thursday 19 June 2014


One begins anew
All alone
None for company
To speak to or share

Nobody to help
But your hands and legs
Nobody to feel
Your hurts and wounds

Each day passes
But very slowly
Strong is the resolve
Yet one feels lowly

Life is no celebration
But thorn and pain
A smile on the face
Keeps darkness at bay

What one can bear
The limit is extended
Strength multiplies
When weakness is tested

It is an ashram
As viewed by the wise
To learn and master
The secrets of life

When the seclusion is over
Everything appears strange
One is no more the same
But the world is the same

Flow with the world
But with discretion
Pitfalls there being many
Manouvre your way with wisdom!

Wednesday 18 June 2014


What law upholds is just a possibility
And what is probable is not law
What is perceived is only a view
And perceptions may be wrong

The world sees what is shown
It mocks, it laughs
But those who understand
Are sad at heart

Can walls enclose a star
Can light be packed in a lunchbox
Anything but love
Can it remain in a mother's heart

The world is like this
A man is like this
Either a joke or sarcasm
Till misfortune overtakes one's thoughts

Temple one makes of four walls
His heart pure with noble thoughts
Vagaries of fate can't hold one step
He shall march, he shall march!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

A tribute to man

Greetings to you Chennai
To doctors and all who made it possible
And to the people whose magnanimity let it come to pass

Hearts, minds and will when they join in thousands
Impossible is made possible
A heart travels long to become another's heart
And blessed is the man and blessed are all

A life is saved
By sheer human will
God above stands watch
Man has proved himself
Who is dearest to him of all

A lesson in cooperation is set
For the whole world to watch
If such examples replicate in everyday life
Heaven will descend on earth in awe
Why it sits idly high above
When man makes possible all!


It is nothing yet everything
The beginning and the end
From which all things appear
And in time, they disappear

What is this void
And what are its laws
It was before creation
And it shall be after annihilation

The void is a mystery
A mystery it remains
Minds and thoughts rattle
Only discussion it remains

When life separates from its source
It feels confident to stand on its own
Destruction stalks it at every step
And it remembers the source

Wisdom dawns when much is over
Nothing much is left to pass over
Reality before eyes is crystal clear
In peace one finally disappears ! 

Monday 16 June 2014


When we speak to offend
Hold our tongue
When we can't write
Hold our hand
When we walk not
Drag us along
When we think not
Give us thoughts
When we do wrong
Reprimand us hard
You are our Teacher
And we just humans
We work and labour
Share our joys and sorrows
And above all
Remember all your lessons
And know this for sure
That you watch!

Sunday 15 June 2014


A jungle is a jungle
Kill and fill, its creed
But it is more peaceful
Than a man's city

Man has cut himself from nature
Like a lung without blood and oxygen
Cement, concrete and gadgets we see
But nowhere any plants and trees

Technology at the cost of nature
For the mankind, it is nothing but ruinous
If man in his  shallow wisdom
He tries to compete with God
The nature's fury shall not lag behind
And shall soon unleash its worst wrath

Times have to change fast
Hopefully, the new wisdom shall soon dawn
Man and nature will move step in step
And in harmony they shall dance!

Saturday 14 June 2014


Some make war
Some make peace
Man is man's enemy
If he so thinks

Some sing with joy
Some groan with pain
What use is the song
That feels no pain

Some grow tall
Some remain short
Size matters not
When deeds are small

Day is bright
Night is dark
What can light do
When heart is dark

Some reach the top
Some remain where they are
But great are those
Who share what they saw

Some have excess
Some remain in want
But nature does the justice
It feeds each and every want!

Friday 13 June 2014

If you can

Pray if you can
Wish if you don't
What a man can do
You would prove

Feel if you can
Pray if you don't
When all else goes cold
Your heart beats bold

Shine if you can
Pray if you don't
Sky is envious
The stars shine below

Dream if you can
Pray if you don't
gods fear to tread
There you shall go

Pray if you can
Wish if you don't
World splits apart
Like a glue you hold!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Day and night

What bothers me
Are the thoughts
Such as, who I am
And whether I do my lot

Day passes quickly
In small tasks
Which everyone does
Without much thought

And then the night falls
In the stillness of dark
The mind races fast
Filled with thoughts

Another day gone
And the night in thoughts
Sleepless I wait, for daybreak
When shall cease my thoughts

Night is to sleep
To usher in the dreams
Keep away your thoughts
From your sleep and dreams

When I woke up at dawn
Dreams had gone
Thoughts filled my mind
Who am I, and what is my lot!

Wednesday 11 June 2014


What I want, and what I don't want
I put in words
What I see, and what I don't see
I express in words
What I hear, and what I don't hear
I try to put in words
What I feel, and why do I feel
I strive to find the right words
What I didn't live but could have lived
I live in my words
What I didn't become but could have become
I become in my words
Words, words and words
They have become my world
Life expressed  in a few words
It should be lived as such
All else is superflous!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

A tragedy strikes

We with our dreams are washed away
While we were watching the watery beauty
And capturing the moments in memorable frames
A giant water wall in its sweep took us far away

We watch from above
Where we reached too soon
Together in a bunch
Before we thought we would

Grief strikes like a mammoth wave
One took our life
And the other tears make
Helpless before time and fate

We have become a watery grave
Floating in the current wherein it lay
But when the night falls, and you look up at the stars
You shall find some more today! 

Monday 9 June 2014


Walk but such a walk
Which is an example to all
Make strides  so different
That the world stops to watch

Speak but in such words
That touch the heart
And speech so lovely
Which is as good as a song

Laugh but such a laugh
No matter all is lost
A smile that sits upon tears
It lightens a heavy heart

Dance but such a dance
Feet touch not the ground
And you swing and rebound
Like a peacock airborne

Labour but with such devotion
That nothing more one can ask
What your blood and sweat bring
That is your greatest reward

Serve but in such a way
As if  you serve Him in all
With head bowed always
And only  love in your heart

Think but such thoughts
That wisdom thinks why
In search of wise it had gone far
When your thoughts say it all

Pray but say such a prayer
That seeks welfare of all
As for yourself, say not a word
For he knows what is in your heart!

Saturday 7 June 2014


I am but a piece of wood
But by His grace a life too
I was asleep but He woke me up
And sent me into the world too

I was nobody, but He grilled me hard
And made me a man too
I was in debt, the debt of life
He made service my creed too

What I am, and why He made me so
I shall know and understand too
From where I came, there I shall go
It is formlessness, and everything too

I serve and pray, I work and pray
When I bow or look up too
I see Him not but His Grace
In peace, stillness and whatever too!


Friday 6 June 2014


I was stubborn
But not any more
Humbled by circumstances
Which are now, and which were before

I was naive
But not any more
The ground slipped under my feet
Which I sensed, but not before

What I am now
I was not before
A  storm razed in between
Things are not as they were before

Sense a storm
Before it comes
Quickly gather your will, grit and dreams
Everything else you have, far away it goes

Today is today
Tomorrow we don't know
What we do today
It is tomorrow's stepping stone

Tomorrow we shall make
We have weathered many storms
A reed we were, steel we now show
Nothing touches us, storms may pass and go!

Thursday 5 June 2014

A Tribute to "Maya" and 'The Tank man'

"The caged bird" sings in the west
How can the East sleep
There is no night for a heart
That beats and sings

Change is in the air
Which we all breathe
The 'Dragon' keeps a vigil
Lest a lamb takes to street

Power is just foot and march
Courage 'The Tank man' brings
"Tianamen" is the heart of Beijing
Beating under the stomping feet

Those who think and wait
They develop cold feet
The cage is no longer dumb
With fragrance comes the spring

"The caged bird" has flown away
But its wings flutter everywhere
And every lip sings  its song
 'The Tank man' stands in the way
Freedom makes nest under its nose
"The Mainland" dreads the things bright
And even its own shadow by the way!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Do you live

Life is to be lived, not spent
With interest it grows not, if idly kept
Wear and tear take away
Whatever little of it is left

Be frugal with money
But not with life
Money you may need
When you have lived your life

Who dare not
Don't live at all
Without fire in the belly
Even light is dark

Without growing wings
One flies not
Who hides in its burrow
Shall only crawl

If you risk and lose
Heavens are not going to fall
Who takes no risk
He loses all

Life is a game, play it well
Bet on things that matter
With life and your sweat
Such life wins the battle, in the end!

Monday 2 June 2014

What is universal

Where were the laws
Where were the worlds
The worlds and their laws
Before the time was born

What is universal, is still relative
The Absolute is One only
We were all, but a thought
He willed, and the firsts were born

With everything new
The old comes to naught
Laws as we know them
Universal they are not

A question remains a question
Ever searching for an answer
When keys help not
And one has to go farther

Understand and unfold the mystery
Behind every manifestation of existence
Which for Him is just a plaything
But for you a lifelong struggle with much persistence!

What works

Night is dark
Day is light
Whether you see
Or close your eyes

Spring is pleasant
Winter is cool
But rain comes not
In winter or spring

Small is not small
Big is no big
What works well
Is all we need

Life is a rose
Also much pain
It is to be lived
Whether you lose or gain

Dreams are dreams
Reality a different thing
Without a spark to ignite
Dreams remain dreams

Song is a song
Sad or sweet
Sadness brings out
What the sweetness dreams

Fullness comes to one
With experience full
Whether lived in life
Or as thoughts would!

Sunday 1 June 2014


The gentle breeze
Cool and sweet
It blows right there
Where my beloved meets

Take me along
Over the hills
Past the stream
And through the corn fields

Hurry and hurry
As the night falls
She waits all evening
But before nightfall

Drop me therefore
Right at her door
I shall plead with her
But she may not open the door

With a thud I fell at her door
But she didn't open the door
When I turned, I slipped and fell
The noise of which, made her open the door

What happened thereafter is beyond my thoughts
She took me inside, and rubbed my soles
She changed me with whatever she had
She cleaned me, sponged me and balmed my sores

She gave me a potion bitter and hot
Which I took and slept hard
She tended me gently all night long
When I woke up, she greeted me with a voice soft

But soon she set me on my way back home
A long distance to go, and breeze of no help
As I went, a thought struck me hard
What all she did to me, it was after nightfall!