Thursday 6 February 2014


This is the way the world goes
Poor remain poor, rich get more
It pours where coffers overflow
Opulence and penury in tandem grow

Nothing trickles down, upward it flows
Burden the poor bear over their heavy load
Seeds were chosen and ground well ploughed
Something went wrong when crops were grown

Hungry stomachs and naked bones
Need no preaching and sermons of yore
To hell or heavenward the wind blows
It makes no difference  to sinking boats

Would you exchange one day to know
What it feels to be poor, bruised and sore
Nature has provided to share and not hoard
Distribute the excess before the greed  overthrows

Progress is not what you flaunt  
Style, splendour, ostentation and class
But when oppression and inequality no more haunt
And poverty and hunger become the things of the past!



  1. Well scripted poem - rhyming, meaningful & realistic ! You have presented contemporary India in its true colors ! Also true in many other parts of the world. Best Wishes Ramu

  2. Dear Ram, Thank you very much indeed. Your kind words inspire me a
    lot.With warm regards/ Vinod

  3. Wonderful words Vinod. So much in synch with some of recent blog posts on the issue. This one is perfect and I could not find anything to edit. You are getting more perfect with time.

  4. Dear Ashok ji, Thank you very much indeed.It is a great compliment which i cherish.
