Friday 28 February 2014

Regret of a genius

From cradle to manhood he grew fast
Childhood he skipped and knew it not
Books and knowledge was all he sought
A genius he became to the envy of all

Position and laurels, high and coveted
Friends and admirers, countless hundreds
What else he could have asked for
Dream come true, he got all he sought

Things didn't remain , as it was thought
Newness took over, past redundant to discard
Hanging  around unsought was never in his thoughts
He shall begin anew, but worthless appeared all

Regret he had that he didn't listen to his heart
And missed the childhood over which he trod
Unfulfilled desires tormented and nagged him a lot
The things of the world gave him no pleasure at all

Child he would  become and keep worries apart
And in full abandon he would live and laugh
Why take things so seriously, he resolved
Reality is unfathomable, and life a cosmic dance!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Life passion

It keeps you going
When all else is dark
It is your life
When all else is lost

Hope keeps it alive
Not giving up , you survive
When times are the worst
All odds you belie

You give it your all
It fills you more and large
You work on your faults
Till perfection smiles and laughs

It is your soul and heart
No life without it at all
It embraces you full and fast
Whether you stand tall or fall

When end is not far
You have no regrets at all
With Grace it blossomed
Your life passion, till the last!

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Blame game

Game is a game
if fairly played
Rules are followed
come what may

Politics is weird
played on mind space
Rules are given a go bye
by those who play

Every trick is tried
and behind the scene play
But on show to watch
is a funny blame game

Each one swears
loud pitch all make
Power in their mind
how dirty they play

Butter and milk separate
Churn patiently and wait
But to score in haste
Blame game they play

Even if a lone voice
Calls a spade a spade
It is heard over the din
And much difference it makes!

Sunday 23 February 2014

What colour you wear

What colour you wear
does it really matter
Red, blue or yellow
shall it bell the weather

What appeals to one
is all that matters
Shall someone dictate the colour
that goes with one's coat or sandal

Whims and fancies rule the mind
when nothing important is in hand that  matters
One who has nothing much to wear
to cover the skin is that matters

A garden has flowers of all colours
each one in the blend matters
Rainbow makes the heavens colourful
light splits to make it happen

A few thin strands on a bald head
don't help a  hairdresser
Barren is the canvass of the multitudes
stray colour dots don't matter

Colourless is everything in the lives of your own brethren
colour it if you can, for that would greatly matter! 

Saturday 22 February 2014

A new dawn

Party, is it all politics
or primarily  a commitment
not to  ordinariness
But to a unique movement

Freedom came after relentless struggle
Ideals, principles and masses were one with the party
Gandhi swore and roared
Quit, self rule we want in this sacred land, our property

Party is nothing without a Gandhi
And a Baa fills its heart with all that is good in humanity
Example together they become to polity
How noble and apolitical would be such a party

Power is not its motive
It arises as a tsunami
To remove ills of society
blessed is such a  party

Politics becomes a word dirty
because of party politics
Why attack the policies
when pygmies play politics

All are part of that movement
which has at its helm a Gandhi
Baa may be soon coming as you blink
a new dawn shall dawn shortly!  

Friday 21 February 2014

Crocodile tears

Laugh and the world laughs with you
Weep and it does not weep with you
Misery there is plenty in the world
No help comes , worry is far from whom

Some buy coat, some gold
Wares many here are sold
What matters one buys not
Free it is given, yet is unsold

One brings nothing here with him
nor shall a thing go with him
What remains is memory only    
that lingers not much after him

Nothing is yours in this world you inhabit
Yet people hold things as a matter of habit
Catch something that is not of this world
And with you it goes into many other worlds

Animals and birds unite and cry
Being in trouble or when one of them dies
Man is not moved at his brother's plight
Shedding crocodile tears with heart contrite!

Thursday 20 February 2014


I have a right to vote
To buy food I have no dough
Vote can make my day though
With loaf and bottle they approach

Bribe they unabashedly so
Making an innocent also a rogue
For a day only that may be though
Vote like a commodity in election is sold

Shall I sell my conscience for a loaf
And carry the guilt like an ulcer sore 
Elections may come and elections may go
Will they not leave such ulcers festering  more

Value is the same for your or my vote
But inequality glaring is in what we hold
Thin air , jewels, gems or shining gold
Bread is my worry,  your chests overflow

I shall maintain sanctity of my vote
Without work and family to support
No blemish I want to carry on my soul
With a clean heart I shall cast my vote! 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Self respect

I am a common man
Jargon I don't understand
Plans, papers and statistics
puzzle me but make no sense

Dole I do regret
where is my self respect
with hands I want to work
And earn my own bread

Rags I wear on me
Dark is my tiny cell
Crumbs thrown into bins
Don't fill my half stomach

In every discussion and seminar
manifesto and election talk
I find place without stop
A vote that counts but that's all

Pity I don't want
Nor promises and pep talk
But hope I just once more
that new dispensation will give me a job!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Beautiful mind

God made species many and different
Each unique with qualities different
Tiger agility, elephant memory ,dog faithfulness
pigeon innocence and cuckoo with voice different

Man He kept special and far different
Giving him a beautiful mind full of richness
to think and do things noble and different
And endear himself to Him who made him different

But alas! Man took a path different
merely minding his own business
Crookedness dominates over innocence
Mind is beautiful or devil's instrument

Creator now wonders why
He gave man a mind
Who  puts it to misuse
to divide and fight                  

If He were to take away mind
that  spreads hate and strife
Man shall be doomed hundred times 
Why has man put God in such a bind

Mind is a gift precious and different
To make man virtuous and  far different
Make yourself so unique and mindful
Proving it right, why He mad man different!

Thursday 13 February 2014

Paradox of destiny

Go slow and miss the train
Hurry and lose the brain
Crave and lose your gain
Ignore and more it rains

Slow, steady and upright apply
A crooked  wins an ugly fight
Much preparation clutters the mind
Casual and carefree score high

In hurt blurt out innocent mouths
Blows land heavy with more sound
Game is played round after round
Champion falters, amateur gets crown

Vacillations of weak mind bound
Past memories come back to hound
One who tries makes some progress
Heights are touched where limitations abound  

Paradoxes of life are unexplained
Bizarre they are but life they make
Things happen by accident or design
What one wills not or as destined!

Wednesday 12 February 2014


Sixty becomes sixteen
Grandpa a teen

Fun ,mischief and slang 
An accepted thing

Seriousness changes to grin
Faces glow and feet spring

Medicines are slow to work
Magic works in drinks

Laugh as much as you will
Leg pulling unabated

Words spill out, no holds barred
As glass after glass are filled in

Time flies as if it got wings
evening appears  young as in beginning

Bottoms up and then wind up
With heavy heart comes retreat

Each moment becomes bliss
What joy dear friends bring!

Monday 10 February 2014

Uniting with the roots

A bud unfolds
Springing from beneath
As  tender roots hold it
And support it underneath

When bud becomes a tree
Confident and free
Spreading branches in glee
Roots grow, silently yet deep

Tired of being tied to one home
It explores lands far and unknown
Making godfathers and setting up new homes
But home is where you heart is, not just bricks and floor

When it is old and a spent force
New homes don't comfort it any more
It longs to return to its first home
Which waits to welcome the owner back home

Peace descends when you step into your abode
Its root quite old but still strong enough
To hold you in its lap
so you can have a good nap
And when rested
to listen to stories untold

Home is where your roots lie
There as a child you cried
Uniting with the roots is satisfying
Before the final good bye!  

Saturday 8 February 2014


We were not like this before
In time gone by not so far
Living together in peace and harmony
We wove a fabric rich and bold

Hatred and  intolerance are now on the rise
Brotherhood built over centuries, they divide
Differences accentuated create much strife
Narrow minds never see eye to eye

Race, colour ,speech and outlook
Culture, custom, dress and looks
Different strains of music they form
Together they blend to make life full

Prejudices restrict and cloud the eye
Ethics and principles are given a go by
Pock marks on the canvass of life
Make not a picture, however much you try

With every step , sow love not hate
Blend and  watch what you paint
Peace and harmony shall knock you door again
Hold their hands fast and let them remain!

Thursday 6 February 2014


This is the way the world goes
Poor remain poor, rich get more
It pours where coffers overflow
Opulence and penury in tandem grow

Nothing trickles down, upward it flows
Burden the poor bear over their heavy load
Seeds were chosen and ground well ploughed
Something went wrong when crops were grown

Hungry stomachs and naked bones
Need no preaching and sermons of yore
To hell or heavenward the wind blows
It makes no difference  to sinking boats

Would you exchange one day to know
What it feels to be poor, bruised and sore
Nature has provided to share and not hoard
Distribute the excess before the greed  overthrows

Progress is not what you flaunt  
Style, splendour, ostentation and class
But when oppression and inequality no more haunt
And poverty and hunger become the things of the past!