Monday 23 February 2015

Run the race

Monkey is no lion
and lion no monkey
nature works everywhere
but differently

Promise not the moon
those who are raised
they bend more
to find their way

Does an ant brag
it does more than it can
so do more than possible
and be as humble as you can

Show not the stick
which the power brings
but win the hearts
that have strayed

One may be anyone
all are equal in the race
success or failure matter
but matters more the race!

Friendly company

A dew drop
at the crack of dawn
no bar can match
mix whatever you want

Oceans and seas
before they were filled
they were dark and deep
but empty ugly pits

A friend is like water
it woos but gently
and one who is friendless
he lives a life lonely

Friendship stands fast
like a river dam
it gives enough space
and water goes its way

When a friend mixes drinks
it's not drink but friendship
that becomes greener with each sip
they really live who live in friendly company!


Has he failed
as the world says
he tried hard
but his luck failed

One labors much
with no result
nothing happens
unless favors the luck

How do we know
which side is the luck
so do what you can
with double effort

Luck favors the brave
who defy the odds
be it death or grave
for its own sake

Are they lucky
who pluck the stars
with each drop of blood
they bring a new dawn

Luck is nothing but hard work
nothing comes without effort
the world calls them lucky who succeed
but they deserved what they achieved!

Wednesday 18 February 2015


What do you think
someone will read
a poem you compose
what is there in it

It becomes a habit
a need to satisfy
What you look for
in words you find

Everyone has likes
and some dislikes
it may be rare
to like a poem too

But you have to write
it may be a trite
as that's what you like
to make you light

It happens sometimes
things come out right
and someone appreciates
what you write

One thus waits
as one writes
to be reassured
that it's not all waste!

Success and falure

Success distorts
one's world view
and he sees even that
which is not there

One who fails
his confidence shakes
and he sees clearly
what is there

Those who are in between
and there are many like this
they hang out there
as the ground slips under their feet

But all contribute
everyone in his own way
the world we see around
it is such as we have made

Those who are equipoised
they hold their ground
whichever way the wave turns
they cover more ground

One may change with time
but not his nature
grill him a little more
and see what happens!

Father and son

When the son grows up
his father is a friend
and once he is on his own
the father has no role

But if he needles him
whatever be his fault
irrelevant he becomes
sooner than thought

Leave him alone
to go on his own path
and a day comes
he shall thank you for that

An intelligent man sees all
a hint for him is sufficient
to mould himself and his thoughts
which are evident in his walk

But some fathers don't learn
and the sons too lack initiative
they continue to blame each other
and the time passes unnoticed!

Sunday 15 February 2015


I look back in time
and see what I find

A few years back
the year I don't forget
it was my age multiplied thrice

And can you beat it
I am now square of that age

When I look ahead
the years equal to that age
my son would not be a child or in adolescent age

That year too I shall distinctly remember
it shall be square of his age

The time passes so quickly
and hardly a century one makes
but can you tell me the year of my birth and my present age?

What the master says

Come close to me
and hear what I say
It's a path I show
lest you go astray

I have walked miles
and sore are my feet
But I invite you to come
and sit with me

Closeness brings warmth
and familiarity too
Come close to me
grounded in your roots

A master is a master
He may be friendly too
Keep him in reverence
but maintain a distance too

Listen with your heart
and an open mind
Every word from the master
opens a door to divine

Some are close to the master
but they don't learn
Attention is what they seek
yet are not attentive to him

When one is closer to another
He is himself and another
One who retains his originality
he is his own master and none other

A true disciple is dear to his heart
But the master soon sends him far
To teach others as he taught
the wisdom thus passes far and on!

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Limitation of science

Science is not absolute
nothing is
It assumes a reality
which never is
It builds on presumption
which may not be acceptable
And what it proves
it's only a tip of an iceberg

Science believes what it sees
what is unseen it wants to see
What is sure and logical
That's its vocabulary
And which is unknown
That keeps it on toes
It revolves around its own laws
and within which it struggles hard

A scientist is a human too
Not an instrument or a tool
He sees more than what he believes
And reality is more than what he thinks

Without science we are blind
With what we have and what we don't find
It takes a path difficult but sure
and every step reveals a little more

The imagination is of its own kind
it goes and flies wherever it likes
Life is sweet but a burden too
and imagination makes it light and interesting too

Both are interlinked
the imagination and scientific temperament
One lives in fantasy and the other in  hard truth
But together they make the exploration awesome and beautiful!



Depend on no one
and do your own thing
Whatever weakness you have
soon get over it
Trust and love Him
and He shall do everything

Pity not but help
those who are in need
Flaunt not but lift
with your strength the weak
Trust and love even those who don't
and expect back nothing

What all you have
it's a gift
not to keep but to give
yet you gain and lose nothing
He gives you much more
because he now trusts you all the more!

Time travel

He travelled faster than light
and came back before time
but he had already seen that time
and swore he didn't travel at that time

Everything is possible
both positive and negative
nothing is ruled out
howsoever little its probability

Warping of space time
to any considerable extent
if it's possible in the future
time travel may become feasible

But then everything is relative
and time too is not absolute
though birth comes before death
but death before birth is possible

What we are and the way we are made
in flesh and bones and with a logical brain
no wave or string and a virtual frame
that in one moment we be found at more than one place!

Space time

Riddles of space time
they crop up and multiply
as you solve some
some more remain unresolved

What is dark energy
even dark matter is less understood
if gravity is common denominator
how negative pressure is understood

Matter expands and becomes less dense
then how density of dark energy remains uniform
and if this is the cost to occupy some more space
then energy exists and fills even unoccupied space

Universe expands at an accelerating rate
how pressure is uniform relativity fails to explain
for mass per unit has to change
and density can't remain the same

Something more need to exist
to explain what remains unexplained
dark energy is energy still
its manifestation needs to be explained! 

The beginning

It began with a big bang
the universe in a flash
when infinitely dense energy
at incomprehensible rate, it began to expand

It still continues to expand
howsoever thinly it fills the space
that it occupies at insatiable rate
without any blink, pause or wait

From where came the dense energy
and how it coalesced to form the stars
when inflation continues unabated
and distances are infinitely large

If the beginning was uneven
and some lumps of energy withstood all
though they too were flung across
and continue to move without stop

Within a galaxy of the stars
the gravity played a major part
spin and rotation changed the texture
of the tapestry of which it was  a part

We come back to the nature of it all
a particle, quanta or string it forms
the source of energy remains a mystery
and  the assumption of equivalence explains not all!