Tuesday 29 December 2015

Values and character

We were not a nation
but principalities within a nation
loyalty was to a ruler
and rulers fought with each other.
Independence made us one nation
but mindsets didn't change
only politicians became the rulers.
The ones who took no sides
they were common people
religion and values kept them together
and not politics or political opinion.
Where earlier values and character mattered
money and corruption made inroads.
When we keep the nation above ourselves
and make sacrifices in national interest
our values and character shall guide our steps
and nothing can then hold our progress!

Joint winners

It was a race
and participants seven
all mentally challenged
but their enthusiasm commendable.
The race was close
and they were close to the goal
when one fell down
out of the seven.
When the others saw
they suddenly stopped
to pick him up
and then they ran step in step.
They reached the goal together
and were declared joint winners
not as per rule of the game
but because they won every heart.
Were they mentally challenged
that they showed such wisdom
that the strength is in unity
and in compassion victory!

Be prepared

Let me do first
what I keep for the last
for who knows
this day may be the last.
What all I love
let me love it more
and that which I hate
may I begin to love.
Let me empty my bags
nothing shall I take
light and free
shall I go away.
It's better to be prepared
that no wish or want remains
so that when the call comes
one needn't look back anyway!

Monday 28 December 2015

A stray dog

No pet but a stray dog
shooed away wherever I pass
but a small cluster where I stopped
people there had a big heart
they fed me and let me live
in a corner that became my home.
At night I sensed something unusual
a stranger whose intent appeared not right
I approached from behind and barked at him
but he stabbed me with a knife and hurried away.
That confirmed my suspicion that he was out to kill or steal
so I ran after him and grasped his leg with my sharp teeth
he attacked me with the knife again and again
but his leg I didn't leave.
In the commotion that followed
my benefactors were woken from sleep
they held the thief by the collar and beat him blue.
I retreated to my corner
bleeding and in much pain
but I was happy that I did my bit
to return the favor my benefactors did to me.
Would any one risk his life
and confront a man with a brandished knife
life is dear to man and dog
but he risked his life, this stray dog
that no harm may come
to those who lived nearby
for they were angels to him with a big heart
and he did what he could under the circumstance!

Temple of stone

Science and art
spirit and soul
how they excel
in temple of stone.
Man worships
gods in stone
or the holy book
on pedestal of stone.
The stone is sanctified
which is but a stone.
Do such deeds that sanctify the body
which is nothing but dust and stone!


Call me a rose
or call it not
I may look different
but am yet a flower.
This I know
wherever I grow
pain and misery
there have no hold.
Such is my touch
and fragrance soft
that it soothes 
sores and wounds.
Blessed is the life
in pain that smiles
have it back on your lips
who have lost it in pain!

Focus and excel

Waters blue the sky blue
vapors rise and become
raindrops and dew.
Blue I uphold
much power is in blue
before the night falls
there's a bluish hue.
A blue flower I'm
through and through.
Focus on one thing
and excel in something
that makes your life
and uplifts a few!

Friday 18 December 2015

Ways of humor

When one picks up on another
it's humor in a way
but both have to be prepared
that it's taken that way.
There are always better ways
to make fun and pun
that please someone and offend none
and if they do it's war no fun
and humor is never meant to be that way!

Focus and excel

Waters blue the sky blue
vapors rise and become
raindrops and dew.
Blue I uphold
much power is in blue
before the night falls
there's a bluish hue.
A blue flower I'm
through and through
focus on one thing
and excel in something
to make your life
and uplift a few!

Reflections never lie

Water is life
and life sways
lotuses float
and trees shake
reflections dance
like bathing beauties
how lively they look
and enhance the charm
of a lake and a pond.
Reflect on life once in a while and reflections never lie!
Live life like a lotus
in contemplation and reflection
though rooted in muddy waters
it remains untouched by mud or water!

A flower with a cup

A flower with a cup
deep and with a rim
where come to rest
the weary and thirsty
my guests who are
and are invited inside
for a welcome drink.
Nature's cup is never empty
and bottomless is its pit
drink as much as you can
but the world is ever thirsty.
Come out of your houses large and big
what they are but cement, steel and concrete
why live in such a make believe world
when reality is full of dearth and need!

Hope and wait

Hold and wait
life spent in wait
the rest that remains
a good portion sleep takes
the left over is for work
most of which is personal.
Where is the time to work
for the society and the world
there too when one shirks
what shall be the result?
In hope one can live
which may remain unfulfilled
and then one leaves in hope
that better hereafter would be!

Essence of life

We are flowers
on bushes and trees
with roots grounded
firm and deep.
We wonder and watch
the life on the move
that brings the news
as it comes and moves.
One who understands
tarries to watch
we speak to him
and in silence he nods.
Life is life
though of different types
each a page
in the book of life
the book is one
and so is the essence of life!

Friday 2 October 2015

Raise a flag

Green is its frock
and orange scarf
washed with sunlight
the plant and flower.
Orange,white and green
freedom is marked in thee
a blue wheel sits in between
symbol of non violence and peace.
Nature knows what is
it unfolds continually
sacrifices go not in vain
raise the flag in memory
orange,white and green
the white with a blue chakra
twenty four spokes that speak peace.
Nature flowers in peace
and flowers smile and greet
the times are ever changing
but the flowers talk love and peace!

Essence of life

We are flowers
on bushes and trees
with roots grounded
firm and deep.
We wonder and watch
the life on the move
that brings the news
as it comes and moves.
One who understands
tarries to watch
we speak to him
and in silence he nods.
Life is life
though of different types
each a page
in the book of life
the book is one
and so is the essence of life!

Saturday 26 September 2015

Focus and excel

Waters blue the sky blue
vapors rise and become
raindrops and dew.
Blue I uphold
much power is in blue
before the night falls
there's a bluish hue.
A blue flower I'm
through and through
focus on one thing
and excel in something
to make your life
and uplift a few!

Reflections never lie

Water is life
and life sways
lotuses float
and trees shake
reflections dance
like bathing beauties
how lively they look
and enhance the charm
of a lake and a pond.
Reflect on life once in a while and reflections never lie!
Live life like a lotus
in contemplation and reflection
though rooted in muddy waters
it remains untouched by mud or water!

A flower with a cup

A flower with a cup
deep and with a rim
where come to rest
the weary and thirsty
my guests who are
and are invited inside
for a welcome drink.
Nature's cup is never empty
and bottomless is its pit
drink as much as you can
but the world is ever thirsty.
Come out of your houses large and big
what they are but cement,steel and concrete
why live in such a make believe world
when reality abounds in dearth and need!

Friday 4 September 2015

Hope and wait

Hold and wait
life spent in wait
the rest that remains
a good portion sleep takes
the left over is for work
most of which is personal.
Where is the time to work
for the society and the world
there too when one shirks
what shall be the result?
In hope one can live
which may remain unfulfilled
and then one leaves in much hope
that better the hereafter would be!

Essence of life

We are flowers
on bushes and trees
with roots grounded
firm and deep.
We wonder and watch
the life on the move
that brings the news
as it comes and moves.
One who understands
tarries to watch
we speak to him
and in silence he nods.
Life is life
though of different types
each a page
in the book of life
the book is one
and so is the essence of life!

Raise a flag

Green is its frock
and orange scarf
washed with sunlight
the plant and flower.
Orange,white and green
freedom is marked in thee
a blue wheel sits in between
symbol of non violence and peace.
Nature knows what is
it unfolds continually
sacrifices go not in vain
raise the flag in memory
orange,white and green
the white with a blue chakra
twenty four spokes that speak peace.
Nature flowers in peace
and flowers smile and greet
the times are ever changing
but the flowers talk love and peace!

Saturday 8 August 2015

War and peace

War is no solution
and it can never be
history is witness
such brutality it has seen.
Man then introspects
why at war he has been
enemy is not the man
but the hatred he harbors within.
Nothing man gains
but pain and misery
yet he is at war again
though earlier wounds aren't healed.
And there is a sane man
who cries loud but peace
bombs and bullets fly all over
yet the world hears him speak.
Why is it that the world is at war
knowing well that it wants peace
had it been at peace whatever be
where all he would have been!

Thursday 6 August 2015


Might is right
that's law of jungle
and man has made
the world a jungle!
Victory at any cost
no matter lives are lost
shoot,kill and bomb
nationality is above all.
Humanity takes a back seat
in matters of nations and boundaries
tenderness and humility
they are virtues of only weaklings.
The earth then became a sun
lives evaporated
things disappeared
whatever and whoever remained
was half dead
and in unbearable pain.
What purpose did it serve
man was at his worst
sixty years down the line
the memory haunts the peace loving.
We bow in respect and memory
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
bombs bring destruction and misery
but man wants and hopes for peace!

Monday 3 August 2015

An exotic fruit

Table laid with rich spread
on a five star cruise
what is there
that's not there
come and have a look.
It misses a lot
this spread we envy
where is that exotic fruit?
No melon no water melon
I'm none of these
does melon have a heart
blood red and big?
Not there on a table spread
I'm happy to hang on tree
where they feast merrily on me
the worms and feathered beings.
Happy and satisfied
they thank the stars
that a fruit with such a big heart
it hangs for them on a tree!

World of ants and insects

Ants and insects          
are highly evolved
for it's no joke
to colonize every hole.
They fear humans
and who won't listen
sharp is their sting and bite
never weigh it in terms of their size.
One who understands
they too reciprocate
and make friends with one
who extends his hand.
All creatures are made special
what is given to one
it's not given to another
they learn from one another
an ant, an insect or a human!

A rose

Beauty looks at Rose
what is that that's missing
that I look but no rose.
Be it in color or shade
fragrance of a rare scent
feel soft,silky or velvet
nothing ever comes close
rose is but a rose.
It's name is used often
but all that is fake
life is not all roses
but a Rose of it some make!

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Swinging palms

Tall and strong
I bend as I want
winds comb me clean
as I shake and dance.
What do I have
but a few leaves
big and large
on a spine
long and strong
yet like a shield I guard
the fields vast and large
from winds and storms.
Be like a Palm
stand tall and strong
do works big and large
with a spine and waver not
none can ever shake you
neither wind nor storm!

When love is green

When love is green

Wherever you see
it's all green
hills green trees green
a vast sheet of bushes green.
Tea garden it is
nothing but green
all other colors
merge into green.
Animals and water holes
they are there
but are not seen
blue and yellow make it green.
Life yearns for experience
to love and feel
and when love is green
every experience becomes unique!

Open hands

Open hands

One blesses another
with the touch of hands
One begs His mercy
with open hands
One greets another
with folded hands
When in need
one raises hands
And when one gives
he extends his hands
Keep them open
that the world may see
the lines on your palm
that one makes oneself
and not one's destiny!

Saturday 18 July 2015

Redeem the world

The sins of the world
become heavy to bear
the earth is red
with anger and blood.
Fear its fury and fire
and redeem the world
with sacrifice and offerings
that appease the earth.
Purity and selflessness
are dear to earth
but when one life
offers itself for another
its heart melts
and in its eyes are tears
that wash away all sins
and redeem the world!

Balance and contol

Control the mind
and control the senses
excess spoils the taste
and the game that the life plays.
Creativity needs a mind
that's free and focused
why control the mind
when it needs to wander.
Unleash the mind and its power.
Control as you wish
and control when it pays
but let the mind think
and come not in its way
balance is a way but not so always!

March of time

Be happy but in full senses
lest one does one more wrong
but let not sadness overtake one
when he suffers for no wrong.
Movement and uncertainty
they are integral to existence
nothing is steady or fixed
yet one has to find a balance.
Balance one must seek
but should not be stagnant
move forward step by step
or leap to cover the distance.
Sing along as one goes forward
with the march of time nonstop
thorns and scars come in the  way
but one who tarries or is scared
he lives in fear always!

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Who is who

Man and woman,the children of God
brothers and sisters, aren't they?
Any other relation which they make
it's honorable when love is its base
To propagate love and to prosper much
the divine power blesses humans as such
The creation renews, old gives way to the new
which raises its head like a new bloom
But when the time comes, everyone is alone
who is who but a soul, that longs to meet its Love
having waited a lifetime, now it's on its way high above!

Do all for today

Does it rain day after day
in drought too the wise make hay
When spirit is lifted and there is song on the lip
one sees sunshine even on a cloudy day
Each day is different, one can do things different
why wait for the sky to clear and waste another day
Which day brings what none can ever say
so do all for today, 'morrow be whatever it may!

Sunday 7 June 2015


It's not easy to give
even that one doesn't need
So when one gives it's a noble deed
even though it comes with a label or string
One who creates wealth by ethical means
exalts oneself and does much service
but an emptiness still remains within
And when one begins giving of it
the cosmos fill with peace the emptiness within!

Raise oneself

One who thinks of oneself
is considered selfish
Where family comes first
one is sacrificing
When others matter no less
one is evolved
Where one feels for everyone
one becomes a man
But man is not alone on this earth
there are mountains and rivers
the plants and trees
and other creatures too
One who thinks of them all
is a sage ,a man truly raised!

Friday 5 June 2015

Living naturally

Cook without fire
pedal on bicycle
the matters of nature
take them not lightly
Live not in congestion
but fan out beautifully
to enjoy the gifts of nature
fully and gracefully
Health is the true wealth
seek it diligently
all else shall follow
well measured and rightly!

My friend

My friend and I
see not eye to eye
many a time
He well read
and talented
but in every thing
I lag behind
not a few steps
but hundred miles
Yet he comes back
to hold my hand
and takes me there
where he stands!

We mean it

Air we breathe
water we drink
food we eat
a threat it is
to our organism
We made it so
and didn't care
for we could choose
But not so any more
it pinches us now
wherever we go
and affects our children
worse and more
Where to send them
they don't want to go
and settle in foreign shores
A change has come
but a little too late
we have no choice
but here to stay
An opportunity has arisen
what our children dream
they want to make a future
which can't be bleak
We'll mange all this
the filth and pollution
and flies and disease
and make our land
beautiful and rich
and now we mean it!