Friday 12 December 2014

A child

Heed what a child says
He says what he sees
Pure and innocent
Only truth he speaks

No mind of his own yet
And no trash therein
One can't befool him
He sees through your tricks

His words so simple
Truth one sees in him
He is a gift of God
Be one with him

Give in to him for change
And let him teach
What slipped out of our hand
The life and its secrets

A grand child is special
A bonus so sweet
He touches your heart
While others simply vanish

When all gifts pale
You relive and replay
The second innings of life
In him and as he may

He is your best friend
Two lovely beings in between
Who keep an eye on them
Lest they cross the limit

He is your good guide
Years of experience fade
They bring not the freshness
That sits upon his face

Heaven is here for sure
Better than beyond
Between you and him
So special is the bond

A grand child is special
With no one to match
Why look up and beyond
When he is your friend!

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