Monday 29 December 2014


Laugh morning evening
Or whenever you want
But stop
If one takes it to heart

Things that don't straighten out
Or have no head or foot
Laugh them off
And feel light at heart

See a child and what he does
He smiles and laughs most of the time
That's the natural instinct
With which we were born

Where it goes as we grow
The smile on our face
And laughter that shakes
Farther we go from our natural state

Discover the child in you
And bring back the freshness
Of the morning dew
With the laughter of a child in you!

Draw the line

Together or alone
Tell me for sure
Alone one comes
Alone one goes

If congregation is powerful
In prayer and faith
Then how love draws together
Irrespective of one's faith

A group is togetherness
But supremacy it assumes
Which it guards obsessively
And feelings have no room

One is bound in a group
And loses his independence
He then thinks as a group
As over his mind it rules

Be it as it may
Let it not come in your way
Togetherness is good within limit
Draw a line where your independence begins
That is the ground
Where you work and pray
Undisturbed by any belief or faith
And raise yourself from where you came!

A new world

Newness is everywhere
Past is left behind
Together we go forward
Into the happier times

No divisions of any kind
Doubts are left behind
Love bubbling in our hearts
And hope our guide

We did what we could
Now bigger are our dreams
We shall not let anything
To come in between

There is no fear in our mind
And terror we shall extinguish
The hand of friendship we extend
And harbour no ill will

The world comes closer
And space we conquer
What appeared invincible
That now becomes doable

Will and enterprise outshine
We leap and cover new grounds
The new year  and its challenges
We woo with much hope and pride

History writes a new chapter
Dazzling things happen
Preparations are in full swing
A brighter future is unfolding

Come let us sing a new tune
Which was never heard before
And create with our zeal and labour
A new world never visualized before!

Sunday 14 December 2014

Happy Birthday

Call it coincidence
Hand of Providence
He blesses this day
It's your Birthday

The hand of friendship
It's extended again
Lest we forget
Today is your Birthday

This is friendship
No give and take
We love to share
It's your Birthday

Morning so fresh
And sun so bright
This day is so different
It's your Birthday

Fragrance is in the air
So sweet and wonderful
None can forget this day
It's your Birthday

What gift to give
This poor soul thinks
Our prayers be with thee
And best wishes

Happy Birthday
Dear friend
Many Happy returns
Full of love and joy!

Friday 12 December 2014


He is a stranger
In his own home
Sometime back
It was not so

He is not in love
Or become a saint
He has not lived
But drifted in vain

He is different
More than himself
Not an also ran
But striving for fullness

He may be funny
Or downright silly
But he does different
Things little and ordinary

What is different
It makes a difference
To keep at bay
The habit of indifference

Become a stranger
Take things not for granted
Take a new road
Even if you have to lay it

It's the need of time
To show one's ability
Rarely comes in life
Such an opportunity

There is no going back
Future looks promising
Those who take the plunge
They shall be duly rewarded!

A child

Heed what a child says
He says what he sees
Pure and innocent
Only truth he speaks

No mind of his own yet
And no trash therein
One can't befool him
He sees through your tricks

His words so simple
Truth one sees in him
He is a gift of God
Be one with him

Give in to him for change
And let him teach
What slipped out of our hand
The life and its secrets

A grand child is special
A bonus so sweet
He touches your heart
While others simply vanish

When all gifts pale
You relive and replay
The second innings of life
In him and as he may

He is your best friend
Two lovely beings in between
Who keep an eye on them
Lest they cross the limit

He is your good guide
Years of experience fade
They bring not the freshness
That sits upon his face

Heaven is here for sure
Better than beyond
Between you and him
So special is the bond

A grand child is special
With no one to match
Why look up and beyond
When he is your friend!

What we want

What is good
We don't know
What is unacceptable
We don't know

What we are
We don't know
Why we are as we are
It matters not

We are no moralists
Nor crusaders
Just commoners
Who would like to know

What is life
And what we make it
Sometime of our own
And mostly unknown

What we did with life
We don't know
What we could with life
We don't know

Whether we live life
That bothers us not
But to help others to live
That's what we want

We want to understand
All that life has to offer
And only one wish
That we make other lives better!


Fame or no fame
One is known by his name
If that's taken away
Nothing shall remain

All things are transitory
But not one's name
As long as we live
We live by our name

It may sound funny
A butt of some jokes
What matters really
By our name we are known

Nameless one comes
Name he gets at birth
That's one's identity
Herein in this world

Let us do something
We are known by our work
After we are gone
There may remain our name and work

If we were to remain nameless
Our works bear no name
But what do we lose
Hereafter one carries no name

One who is nameless
He rules time and space
No name he acquires
Yet is known by different names!