Wednesday 21 November 2018

Irony of life

Death unites life divides
isn't this the irony of life?
when life survives there is joy
when death overpowers hearts grieve
both have deep meaning
which is lost when life is lived in usual way
Life becomes difficult and death a bigger pain!

Another star

There is another star in the sky
this night
the day is less bright
and the sky brighter
this night
the light has gone out of this world
and now lights the night sky!

Pen and words

Words cut deep
pen goes deeper
to dissect each tendon
and to touch every nerve
but it needs words
to stitch every cut
or leave it as such!


Peace of mind is important
no cost is enough to obtain it
all we have is of no use
when there is no peace to enjoy them

peace is invaluable in life
for in any case one will find peace
when there is no life
but that is dead peace!


To repeat the same mistakes
that is stagnation
when we commit new ones
we tread a new path
and when we commit no mistakes
either we are not trying or not trying too hard!

High goals

One would like to have an ideal
to which one aspires but falls short.
We are all humans with our faults
yet we set for ourselves high goals
We would like to see us there
and that keeps us moving
That we fall short that's not the problem
what matters is how hard we work to close the gap.

So we become

When in company of children
we become children

when among trees and birds
we come close to nature
as we choose our company
so we become
and when there is no choice
let us try to be our own self
like lotus surrounded with mud
yet being in its very nature it blooms at its best!

Full circle

A child brings out the child in us
as we play with them
it reminds us of our own childhood

When we grow up and stand on our feet
our parents yet see a child in us
and it takes them back to their own childhood

The childhood is that part of life
which is most pure and innocent
but we long all our life to scale new heights

When we are tired and exhausted with life
we look at children with renewed interest and new eyes
and become like them in our older life.


Discipline and moderation
can go side by side
nothing wrong to indulge
once a while
natural food and natural remedy
they work wonders
but medical interventions may become necessary
at times
both have their place
one given by nature for free
and the other chemically made
which may injure as well as heal
but if there were a choice
let the nature work to heal!

Sunday 4 November 2018

Time heals

Time heals
by and by
nothing lasts
all is temporary
but let the time heal
it can also administer bitter medicine
Pray all is well with everyone
joy and pain both are blessings
All is fine with His grace
as He wills and not as we will!

Saturday 3 November 2018

Life and death

Death unites life divides
isn't this the irony of life
who fight among themselves they come together
when life and death come face to face
when life survives there is joy
when death overpowers hearts grieve
life and death both have deep meaning
which is lost when life is lived in usual way
Life becomes difficult and death a bigger pain!