Sunday 4 February 2018

Walk in peace

Dwell in the forests
among the birds and trees
cause the world is selfish
it will not let one live
But can one leave the world
and yet be very much in it
thousand paths are there
none of them brings peace

Carve a new path therein
right wherever one is living
that untouched by the world
one may walk in peace!

Noble soul

We may be no more
but not our soul
we are just a vehicle
on which travels our soul
vehicles change
but none drives the soul
wherever we go
the soul knows
nothing can be kept
away from one's soul
why not do something
to raise our soul
that we feel blessed
with a noble soul!

The next step

Whom  to believe
and who is faithful
with something
that is not theirs

when one calms down and thinks
everything that happens is for good
what appears bitter to swallow
it heals faster than a sweet pill

one may avoid a trap cause
what happened was not what one was thinking
small inconveniences one may digest
that into a bigger mess one doesn't sink

nothing is certain and one knows not what is the best
cool and well thought be our next step
and then what happens
take it is for the best!