Saturday, 23 December 2017

Fail well

To fail is part of life
but there is a choice
to stand up and move
or sit down and brood
take them as stepping stones
to grow up and improve
learning comes from one's failings
they are our best books
fail but fail well
to make life rich and full

Light within

A child's actions are a treat to watch
her every move and mood
so interesting and wonderful
draws attention of all

what we take for granted
or care not to observe
such minor details
how they keep a child engaged

unless something is made interesting
who cares to find
its intrinsic worth
which lies hidden in layers

loner one remains
and has no friends
a jewel within 
which reveals not itself

someone has to take the pains 
to unearth the beauty within
the shine without may dim
but light within remains bright