Sunday 30 July 2017

Become like a tree

Sow the seeds
some become plants
and some plants trees
some lean and tall
and some strong and thick
some touch the sky
and some spread on every side
some yearn to be seen
above every tree
and some grow heavy
with fruit and leaves
and lower themselves
to give its shade and fruit to fill
the talent that we have
what we do with it
to excel ourselves
or to share that
what all it brings
but let it not remain dormant
and nurture it well
to become like a tree!

Wednesday 12 July 2017


Who have everything
and do no labor
are they kings
Who are wholly dependent
and need to be helped in everything
are they kings
Who is a servant to everyone
who themselves are unable to do anything
are they kings
Who turn suffering into service
and love those whom they serve till it hurts
are they kings
Who is a king one who rules or serves
but service only can elevate a human being

To be watchful

To err is human
to admit it is human
and to apologize for it is human
but how many do it
Humanity has variations
from sub human to divine
the choice is so wide
to move up or compromise
What's the way out
to be watchful at any cost
for a faulty step it takes 
to lose it all!