Thursday 30 March 2017

Out of place

When our loved ones' need us
career and ambition keep us away
and when we need them
they may be happier
if we keep away
there's time for everything
things can never be the same
untimely and out of place

Tuesday 28 March 2017


What separates one from another
an error in the mind
which makes one think
in a divided way
Everything is interconnected
a tiny dot here and another far away
patience and perseverance's the need
the storm shall pass away
When the realization dawns
and the mind's at peace
the world shall become a better place!

Build and destroy

Build and then destroy
to make it better
creation and destruction
follow each other
nothing's permanent
and fades with time
but the obsession to destroy
what others build
to erase that what one
doesn't believe
where does it take
not there
what one thinks
and one gets caught in a web
where there's no peace

Sunday 26 March 2017

What to give

What one asks for
may get that thing
but one who asks nothing
deserves everything
otherwise how to know
what to give
there're many who ask
but give back nothing
poverty persists in the mind
who have enough
but keep closed fists!

Friday 24 March 2017

To move on

What can't be undone
it shouldn't hold us back
one has to move on
and let it not interfere
and if at all
to make the present meaningful
touching and lively
in wholesome
and deeper way

Saturday 18 March 2017

Don't give up

Thoughts matter
when given shape
one has to begin
before they slip away
time gap blurs the vision
and the urge to begin fades away
it's not easy to begin
and is also difficult to finish
one must try and not give up
success comes in myriad ways
to those who try and persist
as no effort goes in vain

Friday 17 March 2017

The last hope

Dirt of shoes
nothing I could do
derided and ignored
taunted on every score
is that's​ all I deserve
Who will understand me
it hurts deep and through
what I can't explain
wish you shall know
What I need is respect
and a little pure love
to make me feel better
and strong and whole
I have a lot to give
my unconditional love
and my heart, mind and soul
Let me show this
that I have some worth
a speck of dust be I
a little sunlight who needs
to shine like gold
in the darkness around me
I feel now a little confident
and have some hope
after a long time
wish I had met you before
Hope is what carries one
who's all broke
blessed are those
who become their only hope
and save them from drowning
when they couldn't take it any more

Thursday 16 March 2017

Deadly weeds

When fire doesn't burn
sun's ice cold
no life no feeling
no hope no meaning
what to expect
who's as good as stone dead
but why this happens
when there's plenty on offer
selfishness and greed
the deadly weeds
multiplying at speed
put a stop
the harvest's at risk
the green, brown and fall
then nothing to reap
and nothing to eat
even for the weeds

Saturday 11 March 2017


When we laugh
do we hide our pain
what we appear to be
are we the same
how we perceive the reality
is it the same
overwhelmed with our dilemmas
we try to resolve them
or stay immersed in the same
it's a struggle either way
to live two lives
or make sense of one
any way

Friday 10 March 2017

Why did I change

Was I so
when a child
grown up now
a bundle of lies
truth I buried
took refuge in lies
lies I spill out
lies I receive
with lies I hurt
with lies I'm deceived
why did I change
my regrets deep
let me be a child
and the child in me
may it guide my steps
and not the grown up me


How can one be happy
when someone's not
the turn of events
leaves its mark
equanimity evens out
the ups and downs
to bear adversity
and take bounty
in its stride
to see things
not just black and white
to find some beauty in sadness
and a shade of ugliness in happiness
to make life rich
neither drab
nor an empty canvas

Thursday 9 March 2017

What do they miss

Some need more love and care
a lot do they miss
patience and understanding change
what do they think
to become normal requires a great effort
and a helping hand to stand on their feet
but once they're on their own, fired within
such burst of energy do they display
as is rarely seen in the normal human beings

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Rat race

Rat race mad race
where one's there remains
tired and worn out one begins again
not to run but to become still
to find the purpose and meaning
the inner peace and happiness
that eludes the world
introspection it needs
to pause and think
mindless competition where it leads
to know and understand what one needs
hand in hand to help and lift
the world stands
at its lowest dip!

Monday 6 March 2017

Out of the box

Out of the box
a thought it was
which stuck in the mind
Nether in the books
nor was it taught
but the mind worked diligently
to give shape to that very thought
A mediocre in the group
outsmarted the brilliant
and the knowledgeable in the class

Sunday 5 March 2017

To encourage talent

No words I have
what to say
talent that I see
I encourage that
if that's a talent
only that I have
when the limelight shines
on the talent that I spot
it gives me satisfaction
as in the background I watch
and this is my prayer
no talent must waste
in that it finds no way
or for want of encouragement