Sunday 18 December 2016

Day and night

Sun gives light
banishes the night
no pick and choose
color or size

Nature divides
day and night
day to work
and rest at night

But it works
day and night
that life goes on
and worlds survive

Friday 16 December 2016

Do we live

The life spent
in manipulation and calculation
compromise and accommodation
how shall one live at peace

with one's nature and being
or shall one go having not lived
the life begs and one who hears

changes course
and drifts no more

Good we do

Good we do for our own good
being good to ourselves
is nothing new
doing good to others
is not easy to do
good done in selflessness
is for everyone's good
spirit being the same
we raise ourselves by
whatever good we do!

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Don't give up

One fails when one gives up
not one who fails hundred times
when yet again one tries
Success walks one step ahead
one sees it in the eye
and so again one tries
To win is success no doubt
but they too succeed
who try
Don't give up your fight
what matters is not you and me
but the cause for which one fights!