Sunday, 11 September 2016


Pain physical or pscyhological
is not easy to handle
others may empathize
but it's upto the sufferer
to lose themselves and find solace
in something that touches the depths within
the pain persists but some strength it gives
to bear the pain and live with it

Sunday, 4 September 2016


When you trust not a friend
your spouse your children
how do you trust a stranger
with a razor sharp knife
at the mercy of a barber
a cloth tried around your neck
and with closed eyes!
Trust is everything
in the beginning
the ending and
in each breath!

Pain in the neck

One who's pain in the neck
to get rid of whom
you shall do anything
wait and think what he feels
to kick you hard and be out of his way
but he is helpless too!
We're all humans struggling
with our limitations
and rub each other
not to hurt but to
learn from our experiences!

Thursday, 1 September 2016

How to see

What we see
it's not even a tip
and when we judge
we restrict what we see
Who see but not judge
they go deep
and who love what they see
they see the greatness in each life
and many lives it lives

Find your voice

What we speak
is it our own voice
or what others speak
we give them a voice
or are we generous enough
to let others speak
in our own voice?
Silence the chatter
that drowns your voice
that you may hear and
find your own voice!

A story

Say what you want
if you don't tell your story
who will
and if someone else tries
it may not be correct
and complete
countless stories thus lie buried
untold and unnoticed
who live it they know it best
second hand is no story