Saturday 30 July 2016

What one gives

One can't give
with a clenched fist
some give their life
that others may live
if everyone were to give
what's difficult to part with
in abundance we shall live
giving away everything!

Friday 29 July 2016

A fighter

Fighter's a fighter what one fights for matters but what matters more they won't accept the status quo and keep the powers on their toes


When on earth one looks at the sky and when airbound one's relieved on touching the ground wherever one be one's never satisfied

Love everyone

Burn the desires kick the goals live to learn love everyone nothing less nothing more

Thursday 28 July 2016

What do we know

When we know each other it's the past not what we're and we're not what's our past so knowing can wait but let's help each other

What to do

Whatever we do it boils down to this why do we do it and will it matter when it's time to leave

Man and nature

Man's against man man's against nature will he change and learn to listen
to give to love
and to persevere? for his own good
and to ward off
fiery destruction
and annihilation!

To live in questions

Curiosity stricken raise questions with mind full of unanswered questions it's so hard and difficult to live in the midst of questions!

Love and justice

Love of your heart sees no faults and who don't love magnify each fault love and justice how will they go along?

What we see

Love is blind hate sees itself in everything reality's different ignorance can't see

Wednesday 27 July 2016

To live in the question

There's no question
which has no answer
and there's no answer
which raises no question
but who live in the question
and not in any answer
their quest for the unknown
needs no answer

What to expect

Ice is on boil rains don't wet what to expect, when world thinks with the feet, and walks on its head!

To change

Man's against man and nature but he shall overcome Will he change to listen to give to love to persevere? That would be difficult!

Monday 25 July 2016


Thirsty sea granary hungry bizarre outcomes strange logic is this progress? even for things natural one has to struggle continuously!

True gift

For empty pockets money one needs the treasure within none can steal what's given out is a gift a true gift has no name attached to it

Canvass of life

A barrage of harsh words soft and kind words silence of no words paint the canvass of life and all in all it becomes a memorable painting

Being alive

To ask questions and look for answers to think and dream and be ever curious to live and be alive life's an adventure

Wednesday 13 July 2016


Catch the beat words it brings a song is made music begins the words ring grow strings make a poem poetry begins!


Winds hover over the seas demons wake from sleep signs dark and frightening how trust,love and peace have gone missing needs a rethink!


It requires courage to face the reality some never see and understand reality an artist disrobes and explores every reality!