Monday 29 February 2016

What you know

What you know you only know who can tell the best but you yourself and in your own words!


Words come and flow when one begins to write But what shall the pen do when the ink runs dry Mind is but an ocean and a drop would suffice!

Mind's eye

Bring out the new with every try In the same old thing with a different eye See more than you see with mind's eye

Saturday 27 February 2016


When no news is good news and all news no good news newness be one's second nature Nature needs nothing new!

What one wants

Whatever one wants it creates some walls who want a life never ever thought no lines they draw and break all walls!

Walk any path

Follow any path make one's own path but one must walk "Stagnant waters shall gather only moss"

Thursday 25 February 2016

Walking alone

Those who follow the crowd fear to walk alone content to take the beaten path they will never go to places where they could go!

Feeling lost

When one feels lost where to go at last begin what one never thought that it may not bother again what occupied one's mind and heart!

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Finding oneself

Sooner or later one finds oneself and what one truly is Failing which one remains a stranger where one's soul lives!

Talk of love

Those who really love need they say they love when everyone talks of love love is not love but a word!

Tuesday 23 February 2016

What to share

Who have little that they share who have much share only little So is with words a novice shares wise know much but are miser 
with words!

Soul step

Precious is a thing with a soul in it Why take a step no soul with it to hell it leads while one lives!

A child asks

A child asks questions without a thought wise can't answer so deep their thoughts why one thinks not what a child asks!

Sunday 21 February 2016

Dusk or dawn

One more day gone
how soon but day long
why wait until dawn
'Tis now or never
to do the best whatever
be it dusk or dawn!

An act of kindness

Know a little know more what it's to the soul an act of kindness it brings joy and elevates the soul!

Writer's dilemma

A writer writes what they see only themselves they reveal How can they keep their secrets and write what they don't feel!

First love

A rose flower is kissed by a dew drop "One loves but once" no matter how long it lasts Yet the sun woos the rose all day long!

Friday 19 February 2016

Writer's dream

Urge to publish in one's name writer's dream in covers it lays their sweat and blood invaluable its worth gems of the earth so they remain!

A brave heart

Unexpected happens and one feels lost This brave heart who was run over on his last breath donated his organs What a noble deed it was!

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Language of love

Language is no bar
one speaks or not
souls come closer
love binds them all
But the language of love
known since birth
one tends to forget
off and on!

A lonely bird

Where's the sun
where the wind
a lonely bird
no warmth no spring
yet it takes a flight
sun appears bright
and it feels the wind
under its wings!

Knock at the door

What's space time
time stretched in space
or space warped in time
it explains reality
or reality is more
simple and direct
and man knocks at the door!

Monday 15 February 2016


Where one comes from
one returns
origin of everything
is one
the yearning
for all to be one
it's universal
and ever existent!


Today's to do
not to rest or plan
footprints one makes
on the time's canvass
which guide their steps
who come later to walk!

Sunday 14 February 2016

Two ends

Nothing is in their hands
neither life nor death
and what falls
between the two ends
some do even their best
others wait till the end!

Center of gravity

There's stability
at center of gravity
When it shifts
warping space time fabric
distances become dynamic
and fiction reality!

Saturday 13 February 2016

What matters

What one reads
doesn't matter
but how one reads
and does with it
To make meaningful
the lives of others
and to raise one's own
with it!

Back to the center

Come together
from all directions
bring along
what was learnt
on the way
It's the law of nature
back to the center
one gravitates!

Friday 12 February 2016

Natural way

Nature brings a new dawn
man is stuck in old ways
a spirit attuned to nature
and one shall live
in the natural way!

Live life fully

Life is hard
harder with groans
woo one's worries
live life fully
make the world
one's own!


Ships sink rocks break
a log of wood remains the same
lightweights who have no say
they weather storms
day after day!

Thursday 11 February 2016

Where's the will

Word and Will
created everything
now words and more words
bring only pain and misery
for who hears the Word
and where's the will!

Wednesday 10 February 2016


Time is calculation in perception
reality beyond all perceptions
and life just a dream
time and perception
being its axis

Make a difference

Live whatever way
but make difference
with your ways
wisdom of the wise
it touches many lives
and in different ways!

Live this day

A day comes
one sleeps for ever
whence it comes
knows one never
live this day
it's not for ever!


How to face
the day light
when the reality
dark and terrible
keeps one awake
the whole night!


The source
and its energy
they are separate
yet one whole
together they create
but none is a whole!

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Separate ways

Love and friendship
go separate ways
one is demanding
other gives space!

A blanked mind

Full of ideas
a blanked mind
how to express
where to find
words that speak
one fails to write!

Feathered world

Take a break
to watch in peace
the feathered world
the life on wings
and where it takes
the mad race
of worldly beings!

Sunday 7 February 2016

Love and friendship

Man and beast
no difference there's
where might is right
nothing else clicks.

There's power in strength
the weak count for nothing
the king and commoner
they shall never meet.

When fear is dominant
between man and beast
friendship can't develop
but only rivalry and enmity.

But when the love blossoms
in the heart of man and beast
the two become friends
no matter who is strong or weak!

Love and friendship

Man or beast
what difference there's
might is right
nothing else clicks.

Strength brings power
the weak are nothing
king and commoner
they hardly meet.

Fear rules the mind
be it man or beast
there can't be friendship
with fear in between.

But when love blossoms
in the heart of man or beast
the friendship then develops
and none is strong or weak!

Random thoughts

The human union sans lust
is not so imperfect reflection
of the perfect union
one worships in divinity.

Who wait for things
awesome and special
they wait and do nothing
and their vision turns cloudy.

For what goal
aspires oneself
and the destination
that one awaits.
The effort that one makes
to know oneself
one lifetime for that
is not enough!

Saturday 6 February 2016

Hear The Word

Silent is the Word
that created the worlds
words too many
strive but fail
to find the Word.
Yet there're some
who have no words
and in the silence within
hear the Word!

Thursday 4 February 2016

Today one lives

There's no tomorrow
all today
one wakes from sleep
and calls it a day.
A day comes
one sleeps for ever
day and night
when don't matter.
Time is nothing
but one's perception
reality is elusive
but what else matters.
Today is all
that there's to it
one lives as it goes
rest all is dream!

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Life is to live

Life is dear
to every being
and it must eat
so as to live
but life eats life
to live and survive
that's the way of life.
Yet there's beauty
in every life
no two lives
are ever alike
and each one fears
lest it be gobbled alive.
But still it must live
a life that's full
for life is to live
with life in it!