Sunday 18 December 2016

Day and night

Sun gives light
banishes the night
no pick and choose
color or size

Nature divides
day and night
day to work
and rest at night

But it works
day and night
that life goes on
and worlds survive

Friday 16 December 2016

Do we live

The life spent
in manipulation and calculation
compromise and accommodation
how shall one live at peace

with one's nature and being
or shall one go having not lived
the life begs and one who hears

changes course
and drifts no more

Good we do

Good we do for our own good
being good to ourselves
is nothing new
doing good to others
is not easy to do
good done in selflessness
is for everyone's good
spirit being the same
we raise ourselves by
whatever good we do!

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Don't give up

One fails when one gives up
not one who fails hundred times
when yet again one tries
Success walks one step ahead
one sees it in the eye
and so again one tries
To win is success no doubt
but they too succeed
who try
Don't give up your fight
what matters is not you and me
but the cause for which one fights!

Thursday 3 November 2016

Right and good

Better to be right than good
harsh words better than a sweet tongue
that sounds good but covers the bitter truth
failure more precious than success and fame
nothing is right that kills conscience for gain

Saturday 22 October 2016



Aim high
but not so much
one can't reach
Small steps
one at a time
consistency pays rich
Vision matters
and the effort
to better one's reach
Never give up against the odds
cross as many and see
persistence pays rich

Wednesday 19 October 2016

How it feels

How it feels

Eat what you like
why waste
think of them
nothing who ate
Race and fly
in luxury live
what about those
who struggle to live
Roam the world
see its majesty
but who are in chains
who shall set them free
Booming economy
living standards rising
but what do they get
in penury who live
How can it go on
how one feels
nothing is going to happen
unless everyone does their bit

Sunday 11 September 2016


Pain physical or pscyhological
is not easy to handle
others may empathize
but it's upto the sufferer
to lose themselves and find solace
in something that touches the depths within
the pain persists but some strength it gives
to bear the pain and live with it

Sunday 4 September 2016


When you trust not a friend
your spouse your children
how do you trust a stranger
with a razor sharp knife
at the mercy of a barber
a cloth tried around your neck
and with closed eyes!
Trust is everything
in the beginning
the ending and
in each breath!

Pain in the neck

One who's pain in the neck
to get rid of whom
you shall do anything
wait and think what he feels
to kick you hard and be out of his way
but he is helpless too!
We're all humans struggling
with our limitations
and rub each other
not to hurt but to
learn from our experiences!

Thursday 1 September 2016

How to see

What we see
it's not even a tip
and when we judge
we restrict what we see
Who see but not judge
they go deep
and who love what they see
they see the greatness in each life
and many lives it lives

Find your voice

What we speak
is it our own voice
or what others speak
we give them a voice
or are we generous enough
to let others speak
in our own voice?
Silence the chatter
that drowns your voice
that you may hear and
find your own voice!

A story

Say what you want
if you don't tell your story
who will
and if someone else tries
it may not be correct
and complete
countless stories thus lie buried
untold and unnoticed
who live it they know it best
second hand is no story

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Age's a number

Age's a number
zero to hundred
journey full of
twists and blunders
child needs help
end's similar
in between
endless burdens
yet how man accomplishes
is no less a wonder
age's a number
zero to hundred

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Go back or continue

Wait and it doesn't come
you change the lane
then it comes
and finds you in the wrong lane
what do you do
go back or continue
both're difficult
but life's that way

Mother's blessings

Two sons
both abroad
I'm eighty five
a telephone call
to remember me
once a while
may they live long
happy and satisfied
my husband left me
to become a star
long ago
I now long to be one
next to him

Saturday 6 August 2016

A moment

Every moment's special and mind never the same who can draw the line what it makes of the moment and what shape it takes

Who knows

It hurts when they leave you call your own but who knows it may be good for them and better for you

Warring thoughts

Between two warring thoughts a balm works wonders and changes the line of thoughts what's it one's fighting for is it worth to wage a war?


Hasty decisions are never fair when there's no time to spare intuition bypasses every thought yet it's better than wavering thoughts

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Our battles

Who will fight our battles
if we battle with ourselves
but we must battle that first
which holds our steps
bigger the battle
it tests our mettle
no time to spare for
endless little battles

Saturday 30 July 2016

What one gives

One can't give
with a clenched fist
some give their life
that others may live
if everyone were to give
what's difficult to part with
in abundance we shall live
giving away everything!

Friday 29 July 2016

A fighter

Fighter's a fighter what one fights for matters but what matters more they won't accept the status quo and keep the powers on their toes


When on earth one looks at the sky and when airbound one's relieved on touching the ground wherever one be one's never satisfied

Love everyone

Burn the desires kick the goals live to learn love everyone nothing less nothing more

Thursday 28 July 2016

What do we know

When we know each other it's the past not what we're and we're not what's our past so knowing can wait but let's help each other

What to do

Whatever we do it boils down to this why do we do it and will it matter when it's time to leave

Man and nature

Man's against man man's against nature will he change and learn to listen
to give to love
and to persevere? for his own good
and to ward off
fiery destruction
and annihilation!

To live in questions

Curiosity stricken raise questions with mind full of unanswered questions it's so hard and difficult to live in the midst of questions!

Love and justice

Love of your heart sees no faults and who don't love magnify each fault love and justice how will they go along?

What we see

Love is blind hate sees itself in everything reality's different ignorance can't see

Wednesday 27 July 2016

To live in the question

There's no question
which has no answer
and there's no answer
which raises no question
but who live in the question
and not in any answer
their quest for the unknown
needs no answer

What to expect

Ice is on boil rains don't wet what to expect, when world thinks with the feet, and walks on its head!

To change

Man's against man and nature but he shall overcome Will he change to listen to give to love to persevere? That would be difficult!

Monday 25 July 2016


Thirsty sea granary hungry bizarre outcomes strange logic is this progress? even for things natural one has to struggle continuously!

True gift

For empty pockets money one needs the treasure within none can steal what's given out is a gift a true gift has no name attached to it

Canvass of life

A barrage of harsh words soft and kind words silence of no words paint the canvass of life and all in all it becomes a memorable painting

Being alive

To ask questions and look for answers to think and dream and be ever curious to live and be alive life's an adventure

Wednesday 13 July 2016


Catch the beat words it brings a song is made music begins the words ring grow strings make a poem poetry begins!


Winds hover over the seas demons wake from sleep signs dark and frightening how trust,love and peace have gone missing needs a rethink!


It requires courage to face the reality some never see and understand reality an artist disrobes and explores every reality!

Wednesday 22 June 2016


Can one tell a star from another star
they appear the same so distant they are
maintain distance but not that far
that its makes no difference who we are
and not so close that we see only each other's faults!

Monday 20 June 2016

To grow

When we do something for others we grow internally which one never does working for oneself only


'Tis prudent to keep the self away from one's goal and if not ,be prepared to reach elsewhere!

Own mind

A writer writes there's need to write it has to come out in words to describe but one reads into it one's own mind!

Not enough

Welcome and greetings these're not enough To say 'Thanks' in humility even that's not enough No words are enough and no enough is enough!


One who's devastated by fate or circumstance gives up or lies low or finds in it a golden chance

Soul food

'One doesn't live by bread alone' some food one requires to nourish the soul lest the soul feels dead before the time comes!


Be out with the truth so tortuous to keep when brought to light merciless its sting


Where do they find patience the writers who decide to wait endlessly editing their works to tell a more forceful tale

Weighty thoughts

When the same thought arises in the mind again one needs to ponder and decide either way to be over with it or give it weight

Poetic thoughts

A poet sees poetry where no poetry there's a poem's composed where no verse there's the world is a poetry more poetic thoughts it needs!

Bag with a soul

How does it matter what color's the bag a bag with a soul which none can grasp and 'tis glow and radiance no sun can match

Saturday 18 June 2016


Ask not what you shall do if you pray all day long what all you do is a prayer when love and compassion fills the heart!

Pray and work

If work is prayer it should work what works need not be prayer but what worth is that work without prayer!


Disappointments are part of life but if they encourage to do better there's no better teacher to teach what matters in life

Good and evil

Right and wrong,good and evil one's own imagination and thinking with what right yet one preaches unassailable morality and thinking?

To grow

When we do something for others we grow internally which one never does working for oneself only


'Tis prudent to keep the self away from one's goal and if not ,be prepared to reach elsewhere!

Friday 17 June 2016

Mind and feet

We think with our mind and not our feet the feet take us to places where the mind wills the feet bear our burden but the mind feels heavy

Black hole

Black hole is grey not black there's hope for what it sucks to escape into the new worlds and nothing remains as such

To find love

We spill the word 'love' anytime and everywhere yet everyone seeks love and finds it nowhere!

To live

Expect nothing and say goodbye to worry what is gone is gone but live what remains fully and freely

Where to travel

Urge to travel all over leads to just one place what all we want to see 'tis inside already if we care to see


It brings a storm passion in any form that shakes the foundation on which the world rests and after it subsides tremors continue to be felt!

Work and prayer

Ask not what you shall do if you pray all day long what all you do is a prayer when love and compassion fills the heart!