Wednesday 29 January 2014

Upside down

She sees things upside down
Not on their legs, but hanging down
It is not her fault, just give it a thought
A  world on its head, down and out

Land and waters above her head
The sky is laid beneath her feet
Bountiful holds and keeps her in sight
She glides in style with steps so light

North is south and west is east
Nothing makes sense, not the least 
But the sun shall rise wherever it will
God has made her this way as a hint

She walks backwards, the way you leave
Where you finish,  there she begins
As you rest, she sprints in speed
Eyes half open, like a bird  she sleeps

She is made different, but special she is
The world in doldrums, wherever she sees
On edge she lives,a human she is
What will happen to the world she thinks

She is assured from time to time
Time is not yet ripe, to be on her side
But the world would no longer be the same
If it shall see through her eyes! 

Saturday 18 January 2014

Taking a stand

One is right, the other is also right
Both have justification that appeal to mind
They differ with each other, wonder why
Each thinks only he is right

Not taking a stand, is it worth the while
May be against everyone, but fence sitting is futile
Why everything is perceived either black or white
And a wrong becomes right, by mere change of side

Light is not just dark or bright
Many colors in it , yet its essence is white
As are many people, so are insights
A picture appeals differently, but similar are the eyes

How long like a statute one shall merely  watch
And let everything on the pretext of public good pass
Will your blood not boil in the face of blatant wrong
What more will it take to break one's silence and talk

We must raise our voice and never be found on the wrong side
Also we should play our each move with conviction, and not be blind
Slogans,promises and rhetoric may make or break a side
But if we side only with righteousness, we are always on the right side!

Saturday 11 January 2014


Fire does not touch his frame
Waters part to make a way
Time pauses to have a look
A yogi has just passed that way

When he steps out to walk
Time slows down to a stop
World is mesmerised in awe
Witnessing a divine opera

Sun lights all nooks and streets
Winds make his path spot clean
Waters rush to touch his feet
Moon stands guard while he sleeps

He shakes the clumsy ground
Powers fear him and frown
Birds make a joyous sound
Children play pranks upside down

Fire burns evil that comes in his way
Waters wash the filth away
Thunder keeps envious far away
Holy is the ground that makes his way!

Monday 6 January 2014

The New Year

The year is new, like it was never before
Aspirations stunning , and strides bold
Undercurrents are sweeping the filth ashore
The air is full of meaning and promises galore

Status- quo does not satisfy anymore
Common is no more common henceforth
Exclusiveness has outlived its hold
Rusty wisdom has found its home

Louder is the chorus as it grows
Skeptics are left wondering sore
Such enthusiasm was never seen before
Destiny, it appears, has wrung the life’s chord

Goodness shines like never before
Crookedness will not pay anymore
Bright and honest have new hope
To change things like never before                              

Can anyone miss the play on show
When wisdom, hearts and spirits flow
Morality and polity are no more foes
Truth and honesty impregnate every pore

This year brings newness as was never before
Hope is all wings, and high it soars
Wickedness makes haste to hide in its hole
Promises sprint assured, to touch the goal!